How can you create change in the world by making a $4,000 micro-film?

Go Viral! is a project that aims to unearth the ground-breaking filmmakers of the future by supporting them to create micro-films. Funded and supported by Create NSW, northern NSW-based screen industry organisation Screenworks and Western Sydney’s Co-Curious are now calling for applications to Go Viral! from filmmakers living in NSW.

Each film will need to focus on a current social issue and run for no longer than five minutes. Applicants will need to demonstrate that they know how to connect with their film’s target audience to increase awareness of their issue to inspire action.

Screenworks CEO Ken Crouch is looking forward to being surprised when the applications roll in from NSW content creators;

“We want to inspire emerging filmmakers to disrupt the online space by producing truly motivating stories and issues that connect effectively with their target audiences,” said Mr. Crouch,

“Ideally, the projects will be sharp, specific and uniquely told across a broad variety of genres. We’d love to see some original and resourceful video production techniques being used.”

Go Viral! applications are invited from content creators of all skill levels – ranging from a first-timer to experienced filmmakers. Those who already have an engaged online following are also strongly encouraged to apply.

Create NSW’s Senior Manager of Screen Investment, Sally Regan, comments,

“Create NSW is always looking for opportunities to support emerging filmmakers, so we’re excited to work in conjunction with Screenworks and Co-Curious to support the growing pool of unique and diverse voices from across NSW. This initiative is a great opportunity for new and established filmmakers to create distinctive storytelling with important social messages that will cut-through to generate water-cooler conversation and engage with online audiences.”

Screenworks will support three selected regional filmmakers for the Go Viral! project and is working for the first time with Western Sydney based organisation Co-Curious who will support two selected Sydney-based filmmakers.

S. Shakthidharan, Co-Curios CEO comments:

“The Co-Curious team is delighted to partner with Screenworks and Create NSW for this exciting initiative. Our team brings to the project its long history of working with filmmakers and digital media storytellers in Western Sydney to tell fresh stories and make bold content. We’ll draw on this experience to support the selected Sydney teams at the script, production and distribution stages of the filmmaking process to ensure these projects are the best they can be.”

Each of the selected filmmakers will receive a $4,000 budget in addition to professional support from industry mentors and advice on development, production and release strategies.

To apply, please head to and complete the online registration form. Applications will close at midnight on Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

Applicants must be available to undertake preproduction for the short films in November 2018, with the final delivery date for films being late March/early April 2019.

Detailed information about the project and the application process are available from Screenworks’ GO VIRAL! website –

Go Viral! is a Screenworks initiative delivered in partnership with and funded by Create NSW and supported by Co-Curious.


For more information or interviews please contact Louise Hodgson

Screenworks Project Coordinator

02 6681 1188 || [email protected]

Screenworks Diversity Commitment:

Screenworks are strongly committed to increasing diversity across all sectors of the screen industry.  We encourage all talented filmmakers to apply to our programs regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability status.

We also ask that applicants consider inclusiveness, accessibility and diversity when forming their filmmaking teams for any Screenworks initiative.

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