Screenworks’ inaugural Regional Screen in LA Scholarship is designed to connect unique regional voices and stories to global audiences by providing initial mentoring and a bespoke 4-week residency in Los Angeles in partnership with Australians in Film. Screenworks will focus the inaugural program on regional screen drama.

Across Australia there are many talented storytellers and screen practitioners living outside of our main cities that simply are not able to access the same opportunities as those living in our main metropolitan cities.

One of Screenworks’ primary aims is to address this problem: to discover talented regional people and support them with screen industry introductions and professional development so that they can leverage screen industry opportunities and bring their stories to global audiences.

Screenworks has partnered with Australians in Film in Los Angeles to establish a regional screen scholarship program for talented screenwriters and content creators living in regional, rural & remote Australia. Each year a nation-wide application process will take place that will specifically target regional screen creatives who have achieved initial success in screen drama and are able to demonstrate significant talent and career potential.


Each year, a Regional Screen in LA Scholarship will be awarded to an applicant who:

  • has achieved Initial Success* (refer to definition below) as a regional screenwriter/content creator of screen drama;
  • is able to demonstrate significant talent and career potential as a regional drama screenwriter/content creator; and
  • is able to demonstrate passion for their work with the potential to be outstanding in an international context.


The scholarship activities must be undertaken in the 2019 calendar year.


  • Applications OPEN from Monday 5th November 2018.
  • Applications CLOSE at Sunday 9th December at 11.59pm (AEDST).


  • Only individuals may apply (applications will not be accepted from teams or companies).
  • Applicants must be over 18 years of age at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident with a current passport and able to take responsibility for obtaining any U.S. Visa that may be required.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are a bona fide resident of Regional Australia* (refer to the definition below) at the time of submitting an application.
  • Applicant must be a screenwriter or content creator who has at least one significant key creative drama credit or equivalent experience and related success must be demonstrated in the application.
  • This is an international scholarship specifically for Australian regional screenwriters/content creators who want to develop screen drama content set in regional Australia – so you must be able to demonstrate your interest and commitment in this regard.


Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse people and people living in remote areas of Australia are strongly encouraged.

Screenworks is strongly committed to ensuring equal access to this project – if you require assistance with your application, please contact Screenworks on:

Telephone: (02) 6681 1188

To make a National Relay Service (NRS) call:

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for (02) 6681 1188
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (02) 6681 1188
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for (02) 6681 1188


Applicants are required to provide the following as part of their applications (please see the online application form for details):

  • CV including a list of projects that have been completed
  • A statement outlining how they meet and exceed the Initial Success eligibility criteria
  • A statement outlining your suitability for the scholarship
  • A writing sample and details of your current projects in development
  • A letter of support from a screen professional as detailed below


Applicants are required to obtain one letter of support from a screen industry professional who has known you for more than 12 months and/or is familiar with your work.

The letter of support should be returned to the Applicant for submission with their application (ie. it should not be sent separately to Screenworks).

Applications submitted without the letter of support will not be accepted. Letters of support will not be accepted after the application close date.

The letter of support should be from someone who can directly attest to your work ethic, how you work with others, your skills, their belief in your ability and your personality and character.


All applications will receive an initial eligibility and quality assessment by Screenworks staff. Eligible applications will be sent to an assessment committee made up of highly qualified and experienced screen industry professionals from the Australian film & television industry (‘Selection Committee”).

The Selection Committee will determine a short list of up to five (5) finalist applicants who be reviewed by a panel of judges (“Judges”) including representatives from Australians in Film and Screenworks.


When assessing applications for this program, the assessment committee will use the following criteria:

  • Significant consideration allocated towards the skills, achievements, experience and track record of the applicant(s) and the quality of their previous work. Applicants must clearly demonstrate how they meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Demonstrated and exceptional ability for creating regional drama content such as projects in development or past credits.
  • The career benefit of the opportunity for the applicant and clearly articulated outcomes from the scholarship that will help the applicant achieve future creative and career goals.
  • The potential of the applicant to contribute to and enhance the growth of screen production in regional Australia demonstrated by the quality of current projects, previous works and reference letters provided with the application.


If required, applicants must be able to attend an interview in Australia (or by phone or Skype) if required, as well as engage in publicity/media requests provided by Screenworks.


AUD $80 per application to apply which includes a one-year Screenworks Regional Established Professional Membership.

Current Screenworks Regional Established Professional and Australians in Film International Industry members only pay AUD $10 administrative processing fee.

If you wish to apply for a fee waiver due to financial hardship, please email [email protected].


Each annual scholarship opportunity is valued at approximately $20,000 AUD.

Scholarship recipients will receive:

  • Economy airfares from Australia to Los Angeles (and return)
  • Living allowance and rent assistance for their 4-week residency in LA
  • Support with travel arrangements and preparation in the lead up to the residency in LA
  • Five x 1-hour skype sessions with an AiF mentor based in the US prior to the visit to help prepare for the visit
  • Five one-hour personalised sessions with industry consultants designed to equip the scholarship Recipient with general US industry knowledge, provide feedback and act as a sounding board during the residency
  • Introductions to relevant industry executives and creatives aligned to the recipient’s experience and needs
  • Either: a LIVE READ LA or an LA SCREENING event
  • Follow-up one-on-one personalised consultations with Screenworks following their return from Los Angeles


The award of the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship is subject to the Recipient agreeing to be bound by the conditions laid down in a contract document signed between Northern Rivers Screenworks Inc. (“Screenworks”) and the Recipient. A Scholarship cannot commence until Screenworks receives an executed copy of the contract document from the Recipient.


Any cash money attached to the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program will be paid into an Australian bank account only. The schedule of payments will be determined by Screenworks when dates for the residency have been agreed.


The selected Recipient will agree to provide quarterly reports outlining objectives met and outcomes over 12 months. The Recipient may be required to give a presentation on their involvement with the scholarship at events or undertake interviews with media.


Applications can only be made via the Screenworks online application form.

The purpose of the application form is to enable Screenworks, the Selection Committee and the judges to assess the Applicant in order to draw up shortlists for interview.

All applications must be made on the online Application Form provided. Faxed or mailed applications will not be accepted. No grace periods provided.

If you require assistance with completing the online application form (for example, if you do not have access to internet connection in remote Australia) please contact Screenworks on (02) 6681 1188.


Support from other sources: The Selection Committee will take account of any other existing sources of support for particular Applicants and will normally avoid duplicating the activities of other organisations and/or funding bodies. Only in special circumstances may a scholarship be awarded concurrently with another award.

Scholarship Travel: The Scholarship will pay or provide for all approved Scholarship air travel and, whenever possible, arrange for tickets to be issued to the Recipient before departure.

Major Travel: All major travel will be by economy class air. Travel will begin and terminate at the major airport nearest to the Recipient’s home address. The route and/or sequence of places to be visited may be varied to reduce costs.

Supplementary Travel: Ground travel may be approved to supplement and or complement air travel.

Internal Travel Allowances: If it is not possible to pre-purchase or acquire tickets to cover all travel, a Travel Allowance will be paid in advance to allow the Recipient to purchase the necessary tickets.

Visas: The successful Recipient is responsible for obtaining any relevant visas in order to fulfil travel requirements (and all expenses connected with obtaining such visa). Applicants may not have any convictions or pending charges for a felony, domestic violence, or drug-related offense. If the selected applicant does not have the required visa to live and work in the United States required to utilise the residency in the US, the Recipient agrees to cooperate with Screenworks, AiF and any other organisation in securing the most appropriate visa (but Screenworks and AiF shall have no responsibility to engage attorneys or pay any costs of such visa application and shall have no responsibility if the Recipient fails to timely obtain such a visa). This includes supplying the following documentation: evidence of awards or nominations, press and publicity (newspaper/magazine articles), past contracts showing salary, and letters of recommendation from prominent people in the entertainment industry.

Payment: Allowances will be paid after approval of the final program for the residency or 2-4 weeks before the Recipient’s departure date for the U.S., whichever is the later.

Income Tax: The liability of a Recipient for income tax as a result of the scholarship is a matter for decision by the Australian Taxation Office (or the tax authorities of any other country applicable to the Recipient) and Screenworks has no responsibility or authority in the matter. However, an allowance paid to the Recipient may be treated as assessable income. Screenworks recommends that Recipient keeps receipts for all expenditure of their Scholarship funds and seek independent advice with respect to their eligibility for claiming tax deductions or the tax implications of accepting the Scholarship.

GST Liability: There may be GST implications for Scholarship funds. Any GST liability will be borne by the Recipient unless otherwise advised or approved. It is the Recipient’s sole responsibility to ascertain if there is GST implications and to advise Screenworks accordingly.

Selection: The selection of the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program and the procedure undertaken are at the absolute discretion of Screenworks and the Selection Committee and the Judges.

Ineligible Applications: If you do not provide all the information requested on the forms Screenworks will be unable to process your application.

Amendments: Once submitted, the only amendments or alterations allowed after the application close date by an Applicant is that they may access and update the personal information that Screenworks holds at any time (e.g. contact details).

Materials: All Materials forwarded by Applicants for the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program become the property of Northern Rivers Screenworks Inc. and Screenworks shall have no responsibility of loss of any materials.

Reapplying: The awarding of the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program is a competitive process with the merit of the proposal being the primary test. Unsuccessful Applicants are encouraged to reapply in subsequent years.

Privacy Statement: Your privacy is respected by Screenworks and personal information will be handled in a sensitive manner. Information collected on the Application and References will be used for the purpose of selecting Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program and will be provided to Screenworks Staff, the Scholarship Selection Panel and Committee Members, and the Board of Screenworks. All personal information will be handled in accordance with Australian privacy laws applicable to the state of New South Wales.

Media Release And Other Publicity. The Scholarship Recipient’s name and details about the Recipient’s application will be provided to the media as part of a media release at the time the Regional Screen in LA Scholarship Program is announced. These details may be used to promote the Scholarship with the media. The Recipient’s name and reports may also be published on the Screenworks and Australians in Film Websites and newsletters, so that the community can easily access information about the benefit from the Scholarship experience.

If you have privacy concerns or would like to verify information held about you please contact [email protected].



For more information, contact the Screenworks team:

E: [email protected]

P: (02) 6681 1188



Initial Success” – To demonstrate Initial Success, applicants are asked to identify one of the following:

A writer or director may also be considered eligible if they have agent representation and can demonstrate recent success in projects currently in development that may meet one of the above criteria.


“Regional Australia” Definition – Regional Australia refers to areas in each state and territory as defined below:

In NSW – regional areas are defined on the State Council map on the Screen NSW website, and includes all areas outside metropolitan Sydney and the ACT (

In Queensland – regional areas are defined as a resident outside of South East Queensland, being defined as a 100 kilometre radius of the Brisbane or Gold Coast central business district.

In the ACT – all areas in the ACT.

In Victoria – regional areas are defined on the Regional Councils map on Film Victoria website – click on the following link, click on map search and select regional councils. (

In Tasmania – all areas in Tasmania.

In South Australia – regional areas are defined as a resident living outside of Adelaide, being more than a 50 kilometre radius from the Adelaide GPO.

In the Northern Territory – all areas in the Northern Territory.

In Western Australia – regional areas are defined by Screenwest in their Western Australian regional film fund and on the regional map on Screenwest website (

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Published On: November 5th, 2018 / Categories: Event Archives /

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