Screenworks and Feros Care have today opened applications for filmmakers to apply to be a part of the third season of their popular Fearless Films initiative.

This year, the films will challenge traditional views and stereotypes around ageing by showcasing the stories of senior Australians who are still giving 100% in their careers or fearlessly volunteering their time for others at 70 years young and over.

Regional Australian filmmakers are encouraged to apply to receive $4,000 funding and professional guidance to create inspirational screen stories of vibrant characters that encapsulate the Feros Care brand message. For the first time, applications are being invited from regional filmmakers living in every state and territory across Australia.

The selected filmmakers will be mentored by Media Mentors – Denise Eriksen and Esther Coleman Hawkins through a series of workshops that will develop their factual storytelling skills to create on-brief and captivating social media content that finds and inspires its audience.

Screenworks’ CEO, Ken Crouch is proud of the Fearless Films initiative and the opportunities that it will provide to filmmakers across Australia – “Through Fearless Season Three, Screenworks and Feros Care are not only providing funding but also solid professional development opportunities for regional filmmakers across Australia” said Mr. Crouch

“I’m looking forward to seeing what stories are uncovered this year and having professional mentors Denise and Esther on board to support the successful applicants can guarantee that more character-driven stories from inspirational Australians are destined for our screens”  

Tarnya Sim, Feros Care Creative Marketing Lead, is thrilled to once again showcase the talents of senior Australians. “The Fearless Films series has fast earned a reputation for not only delivering great entertainment for audiences but gifting our stars a unique platform to show the world they are passionate, bold and indeed fearless,” said Ms Sim.

“Feros Care is committed to helping seniors smash outdated stereotypes about ageing and the next instalment of Fearless Films will do just that by shining a spotlight on over-70s who continue to make a huge contribution to their communities through work or volunteering.” 

Denise Erickson from Media Mentors Australia said “We’re excited to be working with talented filmmakers from Regional Australia.  We know they’ll find great, surprising stories which bust the stereotypes around ageing and we’re looking forward to helping them to tell those stories and get them seen around the world on social media.

Applications are now open and will close at 0900 Monday 15th March 2021 AEDT.

For all the information and to apply, please visit


Screenworks Diversity Commitment: Fearless Films is strongly committed to increasing diversity across all sectors of the screen industry.  We encourage all talented filmmakers to apply to our programs regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability status. We also ask that applicants consider inclusiveness, accessibility and diversity when forming their filmmaking teams for any Screenworks initiative.


FEARLESS is being delivered in partnership between Screenworks and Feros Care:

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Published On: February 15th, 2021 / Categories: Media Releases /

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