Screenworks is today announcing an exciting new workshop that will show screen practitioners and storytellers how to work with data to develop more engaging content and find global audiences.

This hands-on workshop, delivered in partnership with Southern Pictures and Screen NSW, will be presented by Georgia Woodward, the co-founder of foreseeable, which supports commercial storytellers to apply data insights to the development, production and distribution of screen content, from ideation to delivery, across all genres and platforms.

Open to screen practitioners resident in regional NSW, this immersive one-day workshop will give participants insights into data analytics and how it is influencing the local and international screen industry. Georgia will share detailed case studies which provide tangible learnings of how data can be applied to the creative process from ideation to distribution.

“We’re very excited to be partnering with Southern Pictures and Screen NSW on this foreseeable workshop,” says Screenworks CEO Ken Crouch. “Data analytics is becoming an increasingly important part of the screen market and a key tool that storytellers can use at every stage of their project to boost reach and engagement. Georgia has great expertise in this area and her insights and guidance will undoubtedly be of huge practical benefit to the regional screen practitioners who sign up for this workshop.”

This one-day workshop, which will be delivered via Zoom, will take place on Thursday 1 st July. It will include a Q&A as well as intimate round tables in which participants will be able to explore and test how data can be applied to their own projects.

15 places are available for this workshop, with tickets allocated on a first come first served basis. Tickets are $35 including GST.

For more information about the workshop and to book tickets:

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Published On: June 7th, 2021 / Categories: Media Releases /

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