Nine inspiring and heartwarming short films, produced as part of the Screenworks Createability initiative, have been made available to view online this week via ABC iview.

Each of the nine films showcase an artist with disability living and creating in regional NSW. The release of this collection of short films coincides with International Day of People With Disability which will be observed on Saturday 3rd December 2016.

By producing these short films, Screenworks has worked with the participating artists to challenge community attitudes and celebrate abilities, while also providing the funds and opportunities for regional NSW filmmakers to produce short films and gain invaluable ABC broadcast credits.

The nine films comprising the Createability collection streaming on ABC iview are:

The remaining three Createability films that have been produced this year are currently screening on the international film festival circuit and will be released publicly in 2017.

Screenworks’ General Manager, Ken Crouch is thrilled to see the Createability short films being hosted on the ABC iview homepage:

“I’m so proud that the Createability collection has now been released nationally, so that all Australians can experience these original and inspiring stories from regional NSW” said Mr Crouch. “We’re so pleased that the artists’ voices are getting heard and for the filmmakers who have worked hard for their coveted ABC credit. We hope it will take them far in their careers.”

Createability 2016 is supported by the NSW Government through the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and Screen NSW.

Createability 2016 is being delivered in partnership with ABC Open.

Detailed information about the project are available from Screenworks’ CREATEABILITY 2016 website –

 Createability 2016 is supported by the NSW Government through the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and Screen NSW.

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Published On: December 12th, 2016 / Categories: Media Releases /

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