Chanel is a proud member of the disability and hard-of-hearing communities, and a passionate advocate for disability stories on screen. She was recognised by Screen Producers Australia as a One to Watch and mentored throughout 2023 by Goalpost Pictures founder, Rosemary Blight. Chanel is trained as an Access Coordinator with Bridge06 and Screen Australia. 

She was the 2022 participant for Regional Screen in LA, which allowed her to expand her producing experience with Animal Logic Entertainment and Truant Pictures in the USA. Having acquired her disability as an established film practitioner and experiencing difficulty re-entering an industry she knows, Chanel feels deeply committed to ensuring that disabled practitioners are given seats at our creative table. 

“Since heading to LA in 2022, I became a One to Watch celebrated by Screen Producers Australia and took my projects to market at Screen Forever 2023. During my time in the One to Watch program, I was mentored by Rosemary Blight and had two projects that garnered market interest at Screen Forever. 

One of those projects, HARD AS PUCK, is close to closing finance and we’re aiming to be shooting in 2025. 

Screenworks has continued to champion me by providing letters of support and a valuable community to bounce off. They continue to have my back. I really wouldn’t be where I am now without people recognising the importance of helping regional practitioners with a hand up into the industry. Often, the”right place, right time” doesn’t apply to us (or the disabled community for that matter!), so the support of Screenworks has been invaluable as to my successes as a producer to date.”