A pre-conference season workshop for scripted & factual content creators presented by Screenworks in partnership with Media Mentors for South Australian Film Corporation.
Workshop dates: 7th – 21st January 2021
Delivered via Zoom; Entry by application.
Designed specifically for Regional South Australian creators of scripted and factual content, this workshop goes beyond mere pitching and starts with the stories you want to develop and sell – while offering insights into the conference worlds, both online and in person.
Delivered by Media Mentors in partnership with Screenworks for South Australian Film Corporation, this online course delivered over 3 workshops will help you prepare for the opportunities that conferences and networking events present.
As the conference season starts up again in 2021 with AIDC, Screen Forever, Screenworks Regional to Global Forum, Screen Makers Conference – to name but a few, there are a host of amazing opportunities for those who prepare well.
Eligibility: Definition of Regional South Australia
Regional South Australia is defined as a resident living outside of Adelaide, being more than a 50-kilometre radius from the Adelaide GPO.
About the workshop content:
This highly practical, interactive workshop series guides participants through how to develop stories into content they can sell. It will assist you to sell your experience, your skills and yourself confidently; how to prepare, write and deliver a confident pitch for your story – online and in person.
The two-week course will include online sessions via zoom with homework set between sessions. Worksheets will be provided which will be useful well beyond the course. The tutors will be available via email and phone for catch up sessions with participants as required. And there are loads of clips showing the good, the not so good and the downright dreadful as examples.
Workshop One: What Makes a Great Story. Thursday, 7 January.
Workshop Two: How to sell your story (and yourself). Thursday, 14 January.
Workshop Three: Thursday, 21 January Let’s Pitch!
Media Mentors will offer a one-off discounted rate of $50 for a 30-minute catch-up post the course for participants with Esther Coleman-Hawkins. Booking online.
All applicants selected for this program will also receive a
complimentary 12-month Screenworks Regional Associate Membership.
Who are we looking for?
This opportunity is for creators of scripted and factual screen content living in regional South Australia and will help you to:
- Develop stories into content you can own then sell.
- Develop skills and strategies for leveraging opportunities at conferences and industry events
- Prepare and deliver your pitch confidently in person and online
There is a maximum of 12 places available.
All selected applicants will be required to enter into a Confidentiality Agreement with regard to their involvement in the Developing and Selling Your Idea Workshop Program.
Application Deadline
Applications close at 9am ACDT (SA time) on Friday 18 December 2020 and final decisions will be made by late-December 2020.
Denise Eriksen has been besotted by television – particularly factual television – for as long as she can remember. Her career has taken her around the world where she has worked in news and in factual, comedy and drama production.
She’s been Head of Factual at ABCTV, Head of Current Affairs at ABC News and Head of Production and Development at SBS.
These days she’s the Co-Founder Media Mentors Australia and works as a Mentor, an online documentary producer, a Consultant for companies setting up business in Australia, as an occasional broadcaster for ABC Radio and trains producers and journalists for HCMTV in Vietnam – among other things.
She’s a long-time, successful spotter of terrific talent and she’s delighted when she has a role in assisting talent to take off into careers which are happy (mostly) and long-lasting.

Esther is a smart, creative and innovative producer with a wealth of worldwide programming experience. From the award-winning Revolution School for ABC1 to the Logie-nominated Last Chance Saloon, her goal is to bring intimate stories to life with insight and humour.
She’s also a long-standing, and enthusiastic, veteran of development. She thrives with the challenge of turning an exciting idea into a successful TV series. Some of her favourite success stories are Luke Warm Sex, Secrets of Our Suburbs and House of Food Obsessives.
Alongside two decades of program making, she loves coaching and mentoring people both inside and beyond the media industry. She’s helped people kick start their projects and revamp, restart or change careers. She’s driven by the fact that she loves working and she thinks, given how much of our lives most us of spend at work, that we need to do something that meets our needs.

Diversity Commitment
The SAFC & Screenworks are committed to supporting increased participation of people from groups underrepresented in the South Australian screen industry including; female-identifying writers and directors, First Nations practitioners, practitioners from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, Deaf or disabled practitioners, practitioners from LGBTQIA+ communities and practitioners from regional and remote areas of South Australia.