Click HERE for information about the 2023 recipients.
Stage Two – Applications Now Open
Applications are now closed. We’re currently assessing applications – up to four participants or project teams will be selected to take part in an intensive two-day workshop in early February 2023 in which they will work closely with creative mentors to hone their project pitches and materials. See below for more information about Stage Two.
Before completing the Stage Two application, you needed to have ready:
- A detailed treatment (up to 10 pages including format, logline, synopsis and character information)
- Statement (250 words) about the story you want to tell and why.
- Script sample of up to 5 pages (optional)
- Video pitch up to 2mins (optional)
About the program:
Screenworks, in partnership with Screen Tasmania and with support from Screen Australia, is delivering an exciting new initiative to upskill Tasmanian screen creatives interested in developing short-form online projects.
The Discovering New Online Voices initiative will be a three-stage program including practical workshops, interactive sessions and a pitching opportunity to key online market and funding executives.
Being delivered in partnership with Screen Tasmania, Discovering New Online Voices is designed to find undiscovered, diverse and talented online content creators based in Tasmania, encouraging them to submit new and innovative projects that will then be honed through a two-day workshop and pitched to a panel of high-level online executives.
Stage One – Open Day Event (Friday 21 October 2022)
The program will have three stages, beginning with an Open Day in Hobart on Developing Online Short Form projects on Friday 21 October which will include detailed information about the initiative and how to apply. For more info, CLICK HERE.
Stage Two – Applications Open (Monday 24 October 2022)
Applications are now closed. We’re currently assessing application – up to four participants or project teams will be selected to take part in an intensive two-day workshop in early February 2023 in which they will work closely with creative mentors to hone their project pitches and materials. See below for more information about Stage Two.
What you will need to apply:
Essential Criteria
- Applicants must be over 18 years of age to apply for Stage Two of this program.
- Applicants must be an Australian citizen or resident, living in Tasmania for a minimum of the past 6 months.
Submission materials
Before completing the Stage Two application, you will need to have ready:
- A detailed treatment (up to 10 pages including format, logline, synopsis and character information)
- Statement (250 words) about the story you want to tell and why.
- Script sample of up to 5 pages (optional)
- Video pitch up to 2mins (optional)
Stage Three – Pitch Day (Late February 2023)
The initiative will culminate in a Pitch Day in late February in which the projects will be pitched to marketplace decision-makers and executives from the Screen Australia Online team. The pitch winner will receive a $10,000 development grant from Screen Tasmania.
The Process:
First up: Register for a ticket to our Open Day in Hobart on 21 October 2022, which will have lots of information about the initiative and how to apply as well as insights from key speakers including the Screen Australia Online Team, Screen Tasmania, and successful online creatives giving advice and tips on how to develop and pitch successful online projects.
Applications will then open on 24 October – submit your application to get selected for the next stage of the program. You can apply as an individual or as a team. If applying as a team, we recommend submitting an application for each person so that we get to know each person in the team. (You can preview the application form before applying here).
Four selected participants or project teams will then have the opportunity to go through the following stages:
Stage 2 (Early Feb 2023): A two-day workshop on developing and pitching online projects. Participants will have an opportunity to learn from online case studies presented by their creators and work with mentors to hone their own project pitches.
Stage 3 (Late Feb 2023): A closed Pitch Day in which all four participants or project teams will get to pitch their projects to a panel of key online marketplace executives, with the winner receiving a $10,000 development grant from Screen Tasmania. One on ones with the Screen Australia Online Team will also be available as part of this day.
Assessment Process:
The applications will be assessed initially by Screenworks to ensure all applicants meet the basic selection criteria, including:
- Proof of residence in Tasmania
- Fully completed application with all supporting documentation submitted
Then a team of Screen Tasmania executives will assess the eligible applications and will be looking for:
- A strong and original online series concept that:
- Demonstrates talent and potential
- Can sustain as a multi-part web or social media series
- Shows innovation in story, theme or creative approach
- Understands the audience for which it’s intended
Application Deadline:
Applications open on Monday 24th October 2022 at 9am AEDT and closed at 9AM AEDT (NSW time) on Monday 21st November 2022.
Late applications will not be accepted.