Lois RandallThe Northern Rivers screen industry is set to benefit from the recent appointment of Screenworks Chairperson, local Screen Producer Lois Randall, to the NSW Government’s Film and Television Advisory Committee.

Minister for the Arts, Mr Troy Grant said “the committee will represent industry interests and be independent of Government, providing arm’s length decision-making for production funding decisions and offering valuable industry feedback and market intelligence.”

“I’m very much looking forward to this opportunity to contribute to Screen NSW and also to learn” explained Screenworks Chairperson Lois Randall.  “My appointment is a recognition of Screenworks and the industry cluster in the Northern Rivers.”

The Northern Rivers is known to be the largest regional screen industry cluster in Australia, with an experienced and expanding group of screen content producers, creators, crew and performers.

Each year, the Northern Rivers screen industry generates over $16 million in local regional spend (based on 4 year average) and almost 700 jobs – figurers which continue to grow year on year.

Screenworks is the regional film, television and digital media office and is the peak body for the screen industry in the Northern Rivers.  For over a decade, it has provided support and serviced the local screen industry and its practitioners.  Screenworks regularly runs professional development, screen cultural and networking events.

“We extend a huge congratulations to Lois on her appointment,” said Screenworks General Manager Ken Crouch, “not only is it an acknowledgement of Lois’ ability as a talented regional producer, it also recognises her professionalism and ongoing contribution to the screen industry as a whole”

“For Screenworks and the Northern Rivers Screen Industry, Lois’ appointment means that we have a local voice advising state government on what we need and what is important to us – which is very important for a growing industry that provides so many flow on benefits for the region.”

Screenworks continues to provide opportunities for screen practitioners in this region.  The next Screenworks event Funding Screen Production, is being held on August 8th in Byron Bay.  Key screen funding decicison makers from Screen NSW and Screen Australia will be presenting on how to put together a successful funding application.  For more information about Screenworks and the opportunities the organisation brings to the Northern Rivers visit the website www.screenworks.com.au or call 02 6687 1599.

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