There is a screen and media industry cluster building in the Far West region and help is on its way to provide the support it needs to grow. Local filmmakers and digital creatives are being asked to complete a short survey that will contribute to the development of the screen industry in the Far West.

RDA Far West and Screenworks want to hear from anyone who is already a part of, or would like to be part of the screen industry in the area with the launch of a new online survey which takes only minutes to complete.

Screenworks General Manager Ken Crouch said he was looking forward to hearing from everyone involved in screen and media industry and supporting industries in the region.

“We have been helping regional filmmakers for more than 15 years in North-East NSW and have recently been looking at how we can support other regions with our existing knowledge and experience. The Far West is a great place to start as the opportunities out here are endless, and many of the issues are similar to our home region” he said.

“The first step is to discover who is already working or interested in the industry in the Far West and to find out where people are at professionally – what training they need and how we can best share our resources. That includes the often overlooked areas of the screen industry such as wardrobe, set design, hair, makeup and catering.”

On behalf of local filmmakers, RDA has recently secured funding from the Murray Darling Basin ‘Energise Enterprise’ grant round to develop a screen and media industry business cluster to help grow the local industry. RDA Far West Executive Officer Michael Williams said he was looking forward to the opportunity for the region to grow a new industry.

“We all love seeing our region on the big screen, and increasingly we’re seeing the beauty of the Far West on social media and other digital content channels as well. It’s exciting to be in a position to look at how we can develop the screen and media industry to have more of those jobs performed by residents in the region. It’s great that this initiative is being driven locally from within the industry.” said Mr Williams.

The funding will be used to develop a strategic marketing plan to collectively promote local mirco-businesses and supporting services. A screen industry forum will be held along with marketing workshops. Other planned outcomes include a media directory and website to promote local operators and a marketing brand.

Project Coordinator, local filmmaker Jason King, said he was excited about the opportunity to grow the local industry to support the larger productions that rolled into town from time to time.

““Film has a strong heritage in the Far West. By working together with other digital screen-based businesses such as photography and graphic design we can achieve so much more than what any of us can achieve alone”, he said.

“By getting the use of this one-off funding and bringing some great people to the table both locally and experts from the coalface of the Australian film industry, hopefully we can leverage the opportunity to generate a sustainable model for the future, whatever form that takes is up to us”.

The survey can be completed online here:, or hard copies are available from RDA Far West office. It will run until the end of April.

Anyone wanting to know more or get involved can contact Jason on 0414 917793.

This project is funded by the Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme



Screenworks is the regional film, television and digital media office supporting the local screen industry, its practitioners and promoting screen culture.

Based in North-East NSW, Screenworks is a home-grown not-for-profit, membership based association that supports and provides leadership for the development of an innovative, vibrant and sustainable regional screen industry (film, television, online, games and apps).

Screenworks do this by providing professional development and networking opportunities and services for screen content creators and workers, which are delivered in Regional NSW. It regularly promotes regional-based screen projects, events and filmmakers to the NSW, national and international industry.

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