A collection of six engaging documentaries showcasing the fearless lives of six inspiring individuals will be released online from Thursday December 3rd , 2020 to mark the International Day of People with Disability.

Screenworks has again partnered with disability and aged care services provider Feros Care to create season 2 of Fearless; a funded film initiative designed to bring diversity and insight to our screens whilst supporting regional factual filmmakers to hone their craft.

The short films have been created by six independent filmmakers who live and work in regional Australia under the guidance of supervising producer Jenni Wilks, renowned for her work on acclaimed ABC series’ Love on the Spectrum and Employable Me.

Screenworks CEO Ken Crouch said the teams had worked tirelessly to ensure the series would premiere on the International Day of People with Disability 2020. “These regional filmmakers had to overcome a lot of challenges during their production schedules as a result of both COVID-19 and the bushfires, I think that each of these films are a testament to their determination to showcase these fearless people on the screen,”

Fearless holds a special place in the heart of Screenworks and the fact that audiences will be able to enjoy Fearless – Season 2 on such a landmark day for people with a disability is a credit to the films’ subjects who have been so willing to share their stories” said Mr. Crouch.

Fearless Films: Season Two will premiere online via Facebook on Thurs 3 Dec, 6.30pm – 7:30pm
(AEDT). The event will be hosted by actor Jacob Lorenzo and feature introductions from the filmmakers and subjects. All films are closed captioned and audio described versions are available.

The series trailer can be viewed at www.feroscare.com.au/fearlessfilms2 where attendees can also pre-register attendance for the
online premiere.



The Team created by Sebastian Chan, Canberra, ACT.
Canberra teen Michael Foster shares his journey with Cerebral Palsy, his love of the sport Power Chair and the support provided by his team at home – his family.

Sam I Am created by Hiromi Matsuoka, Murrah, South Coast NSW
Sam Stubbs, who lives on the NSW South Coast, decides to compete in the Battle of Benton, a tough CrossFit event attracting athletes from all over NSW. He will be the only participant with a disability.

The Incidental Blacksmith created by Susie Forster, Ocean Shores, Northern NSW
Finding your way out of depression, when you live with deafness, is a challenge that could defeat even the most determined. Barney Lund uses the forgotten art of blacksmithing to forge his way back to life, family and love.

On Track created by Mick Soiza, Stefan Jose & Coralie Tapper, Northern NSW
The inspiring story of Alex Eves, a female athlete whose determination and persistence helped her overcome a catastrophic car accident. Based in Dubbo, Eves is now rebuilding her life as a sprinter.

Golden Sails created by Robert Crispe, Townsville, QLD
A portrait of gold medalist Chelseann who has sailed through life guided by a humbling and fearless outlook. With early intervention, her hidden autism spectrum disorder has crafted unique life experiences through her passion for sport and disability awareness.

Plating Blind created by Morgan Healy, Federal, Northern NSW
Nate Quinell is a fully trained chef. He also happens to be legally deaf and blind but that’s never stopped him chasing his culinary dreams and becoming an inspiration to many in the process.

View the trailer from 19th November 2020 and the complete series from 3 rd December 2020 at:



FEARLESS is being delivered in partnership between Screenworks and Feros Care

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