What is the Scholarship Program?
Screenworks’ Regional to Global Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Program has been created in acknowledgement of barriers that exist that prevent regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being able to attend these types of events. Each of the scholarships is designed to enable attendance and participation in the 3-day 2021 Regional to Global Screen Forum and to ensure the greatest possible diversity of event attendees.
What does each scholarship include?
Each scholarship will include:
- 3-day Conference Registration to the 2021 Regional to Global Screen Forum (valued at $500 per person)
- 12-month Screenworks membership (valued up to $70 per person)
- 2 nights free accommodation from TAG at the Lennox Head Beach Resort.
Screenworks will also explore options to assist in covering travel costs for those people outside of the Northern Rivers region.
Who can apply?
Scholarships are open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people currently living in regional NSW.
The selection process will aim to redress barriers to participating in the 3-day seminar, which may be experienced by individuals who are experiencing financial hardship or other circumstances that prevent access to the event.
How to apply
You will need to fill out our online application form by no later than 5pm, 26 February 2021. If you do not have access to the internet, you may contact Screenworks on (02) 6681 1188 to receive a paper application form.
How will applicants be selected?
Applications will be assessed based on the applicant’s responses to the questions set out in the online application form. Selection will take into account diversity of location, previous experience and financial barriers to attend. Please note: due to the limited scholarships available, the number of applications we receive may outweigh our ability to support.
Screenworks’ Regional to Global Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Program is supported by Screen NSW and TAG.