Preparing regional creators for more than just storytelling

9am – 5pm, 18 & 19 Oct 2013
Lord Byron Resort
Byron Bay

Cost to successful applicants $140 for 2 day tuition

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Be part of a collaborative, challenging process. Bring a concept, an idea, a set of questions, be open to testing your ideas and articulating a narrative for a storyworld under increasing pressure.

Be prepared for brainstorming, audience centric thinking, clearly formed ideas, a sense of direction and a story with an internal engine to take you into multiple platforms.

Be aware that you will never think the same way again about story, that you’ll discover creative processes and work flows, tool kits and templates to go forward confidently into a Rubiks cube.

Be part of the developing industry that only someone with Mike Jones’ sharp insight, market knowledge and unrestrained zeal is capable of taking you.

Writers – build upon the enduring principles of storytelling and extend your understanding of how these ideas apply in new platforms.
Producers – you must be able to carry a torch and be cognisant of the language to collaborate, this is for you.
Designers – you are the eyes on this world, the visual articulators and will be in demand.

What others that have attended workshops give by Mike Jones have said:
“The rapid pace of concept development, case studies, endless ideas and practical, constructive optimism really maintained a furious rate of synapse connection. It was also- hands down- the best learning environment I’ve experienced, the golden ratio of inspiration to hard graft.”

“Mike’s sharp insight, market knowledge, creative tool kit, idea brain and unrestrained zeal is unequalled.”

About the workshop
The interactive multi-platform space is rapidly expanding and maturing. This means opportunities for writers and creators to generate rich, engaging, narratively complex experiences.
There’s never been a better time for creating stories, because there’s never been more screens to tell stories on!
The best way to take advantage of these expanding opportunities is start with building a Storyworld; storyworlds that can generate multiple stories across multiple media and envelop audiences in role-play and Immersion.

The workshop is suited to teams or creative individuals willing to work as part of a team.

Participants are to bring in a loosely formed idea and will come out with a clearly defined world and documentation on how to articulate as a multiplatform experience.

Areas covered include:
* Storyworld Design
* Rules, Pressures and Narrative Timelines
* Episodic Story Patterns
* Interactive Storytelling
* The Spectrum of interactive entertainment
* Role-Play + Game Mechanics
* Multi-stranded narrative mapping
* Documentation – treatments, synopsis and game design documents.

Screenworks Immersive Writing Workshop is about engaging with a rigorous span of ideas and processes for the development of meaningful, dramatic and sustainable storytelling in an interactive multiplatform world.

mike_jonesGuest Presenter Mike Jones Writer & Creative Producer across traditional & new media productions, Mike has particular expertise in interactive, episodic & multiplatform projects and in 2012 received an Australian Writers Guild award for his feature horror screenplay ‘Ashes’. Mike is Head of Story development for interactive media company Portal Entertainment UK, whose endeavors include the immersive ipad thriller The Craftsman, content discovery system Thrill Me, and recipient of the UK ICTomorrow Digital Innovation award for Film & TV in 2012.
Mike is co-author of the political thriller novel Bloodline published internationally by Simon and Schuster and was writer on the cult post-apocalyptic series, Wastelander Panda, featured at SXSW in 2013.
To get to know Mike Jones better check out his blog

How to Apply:
Click here for the application form
Deadline Midday Monday 30 Sept 2013

All workshop participants must be Screenworks members

Cost to successful applicants is $140 per person for 2 days tuition
For further enquiries call Screenworks 02 6687 1599


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Published On: October 18th, 2013 / Categories: Event Archives /

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