A comprehensive 2 day seminar on best practice for documentary and drama production

Friday March 11 and Saturday March 12
SAE Institute, Byron  Bay

Connect with some of Australia’s most accomplished producers and executives as they share key screen industry advice through case studies, presentations, roundtable discussions and one on ones meetings.


Screen Industry experts (including Helen Panckhurst, Head of Production Matchbox and Trish Lake, Executive Producer Freshwater Pictures) will advise on the key steps in the producing process from concept to delivery, how to build a finance plan, budgeting, risk minimisation and producing to meet a market need.

Key local producers (including Lois Randall, Executive Producer Magpie Pictures) will talk about their successes and strategies for living regionally and working nationally and internationally.

Screen NSW’s Mark Hamlyn will present on their funding programs and industry support initiatives.

Specialists from Fulcrum Media Finance, Moneypenny Services and Galvaniize Insurance will explain the critical services that they provide for producers and be available for one on one meetings.

This seminar will address requirements for drama and documentary production and is designed to up skill early career producers, provide opportunity for local professional producers, and to support content creators and filmmakers in understanding the production process.

Ticket prices:
2 day pass $150 General Admission / $70 Screenworks members includes all session excluding the Friday Mixer event
1 day pass $85 General Admission / $40 Screenworks members (does not include the Friday Mixer event)

Friday Mixer
4:30 – 6:30pm – Friday 11 March
SAE Quadrangle

A screen industry networking event on Friday afternoon will give participants the opportunity to meet and mix with the guest speakers and other participants. Ticket price includes beverages and canapes.

Friday Mixer tickets: $37.50 General Admission / $22 Screenworks members

The Business of Producing guest speakers include:

Helen Panckhurst: Principal and Head of Production Matchbox Pictures

Trish Lake: CEO at Freshwater Pictures*

Lois Randall: Producer and Principal at Magpie Pictures

Matthew Deaner: CEO Screen Producers Australia

Dana Michell: Series Producer ITV Studios

Mark Hamlyn: Head of Development and Production Screen NSW

Victoria Baldock: CEO and founder Verve Entertainment

Sharon Menzies: Managing Director at Fulcrum Media Finance

Jane Corden: CEO Moneypenny Services

David McEwan: Founder Galavaniize Insurance

Dan Read: Film Finances

*Due to unforeseen circumstances Veronica Fury is no longer able to attend The Business of Producing, we are however, delighted to announce that award winning documentary producer Trish Lake will be a guest speaker at this event.

The Business of Producing 2 day program (subject to change)

DAY 1 Friday 11 March 2016
9:30 Successful Producing; tips from some of Australia’s top producersCases studies and examples demonstrating successful producing practice from concept to delivery.
11:00 BREAK
11:30 Building the FinanceCase studies and discussion on key elements required for building a production finance plan
1:00 BREAK
1:45 Budgeting for DocoA practical ‘how to’ workshop on budgeting for Documentaries – case study on a 1 hour television documentary, A – Z budget template, award rates, where to go for info  Budgeting for DramaA practical ‘how to’ workshop on budgeting for Drama – case study on a short film, A-Z budget template writers, cast & crew award rates, where to go for info Funding from Screen NSWA run through of what’s required for funding applications
2:45 Break out sessions·      Production Financing; including producer offset, doing business with Fulcrum what’s involved and services they provide.·      Production Accounting; What’s involved, Moneypenny and the services they offer.·      Risk management and insurance; a run down by Galvaniize Presentations and discussions lead by guest speakers on each of these critical factors for producers. Each round table will run for 30 minutes to allow participants to circulate to each speaker.
4:30 FRIDAY MIXER Networking event
6:30 CLOSE
DAY 2 Saturday 12 March 2016
9:30 Best Practice for the Producing ProcessCase studies and discussion covering concept to delivery on the key steps in the production process and the responsibilities of the producer
11:00 BREAK
11:30 Living Regionally, Working InternationallyExamples and advice on how to be a successful working producer in a regional area.
1:00 BREAK
1:45 3 x Round tables·      Producing drama – ask the questions you’ve always want to ask·      Producing documentaries – ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask·      Running an international office from home – key elements to make it work·      Accessing state funding   – ask the questions you’ve always wanted to askDiscussions lead by guest speakers.

Each round table will run for 30 minutes to allow participants to circulate to 3 out of the 4 speakers.

3:15 Meeting a NeedPanel discussion on understanding and addressing market opportunities and requirements.
4:00 CLOSE


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Published On: February 10th, 2016 / Categories: Event Archives /

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