Northern Rivers Screenworks Inc – AGM 2016
5:30pm, Monday 24 October 2016
Newrybar Hall – 13/15 Old Pacific Hwy, Newrybar NSW 2477
Screenworks invites all of its current paid members to its AGM for the 2015/16 Financial Year.
For catering purposes, please RSVP to [email protected] by 5pm Thursday 20 October 2016.
Agenda for AGM can be viewed here.
2015/16 Annual Report and Audited Financial Accounts can be viewed here.
There will be up to nine positions on the Board. All positions will be declared vacant on the night. All nine of the current Board Members are interested in staying on for another term.
If you’re interested in being nominated to the Board and have the energy and skills necessary to help progress this dynamic, growing organisation then please fill in the nomination form and return to us before 5pm, Mon 17 October 2016.
You must be a paid member of Screenworks to be nominated, or to nominate or to vote at the AGM.
To become a member or to renew your membership, click here
Nominated members have now been listed on the Screenworks website (below) prior to the AGM.
Nominations have been received from the following members:
Deborah McBride (nominated for Chairperson)
J’aimee Skippon-Volke (nominated for Vice-Chairperson)
Chris Benaud (nominated for Treasurer)
Michael Balson (nominated for Secretary)
Peter Bowen
Grayson Cooke
William Gammon
Roger Monk
Lois Randall
In accordance with Section 15 of the Model Constitution – as the number of nominations received (9) is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled (9), the persons nominated will be taken to be elected at the upcoming AGM on 24 October 2016.
In accordance with the NSW Model Constitution, Proxy voting is not permitted at an Annual General Meeting.
For more information please contact the Public Officer / General Manager:
Ken Crouch by email ([email protected]) or call (02) 6687 1599.
Support our events. Support Screenworks. Donate today.
As an Australian nonprofit organisation, we rely on donations from the general public to help us make sure that we can make ends meet. Please make a difference by giving a one off donation via PayPal or setting up a small monthly donation via our GiveNow fund-raising page. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.