Congratulations to Tatiana Velasco and Mark George

The Selected participants for

Screenworks 2017 Regional Producer Elevator Program


Tatiana Velasco

Tatiana settled in Australia as a child with her family, fleeing the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile, growing-up in Sydney’s South-west.

After leaving school she studied Communications at Bathurst and Nepean and during that time began hanging out at Koori Radio Redfern, broadcasting programs that focused on the Americas and producing a range of radio documentaries tackling contemporary Australian and International issues.

In 2008, after graduating from Coastal Management at SCU Lismore, Tatiana combined her passions, producing and co-directing the multi-award winning feature film ‘El Mar, Mi Alma’ gaining theatrical distribution across Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South America.

Since then, Tatiana has been working closely with Produce Lois Randall of Magpie Pictures in various capacities on The Gods Of Wheat Street (6 x 30mins TV Series) and Nan And A Whole Lot Of Trouble (12mins, Drama). These productions have given Tatiana the opportunity to work with some of Australia’s leading directors including Wayne Blair, Adrian Wills, Catriona McKenzie and Dena Curtis.

Most recently, Tatiana completed a director’s attachment with Taika Waititi on Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok.

Mark George

Mark has always been interested in the moving image. ‘I think it’s because of my father’s silent home movie nights when I was a kid. The projector threw the images right on the lounge room wall. I loved it. This was movie night.’

Mark graduated from UTS with a Bachelor of Design, Visual Communication then spent time in Sydney’s advertising and design worlds working as Designer and Creative Director for blue chip corporate clients as well as the Powerhouse Museum. As technology shifted through digital innovation, Mark gained experience across a variety of roles in multimedia, web and film production.

The role of Producer was a great fit and more experience in this space was sought. While in Sydney, Streamedia was a joint venture partnership created to produce custom interactive rich media for brands including Foxtel, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola and the ARU. A partnership with passionate film makers developed and produced several award winning short films. Commercial documentary projects followed in the form of conference packages and promotional clips for an indigenous healing program, Red Dust Healing.

A sea change to his home town, Coffs Harbour on the north coast of NSW has connected Mark with other regionally based sea and tree change creatives; writers, artists and musicians. Mark also served as the Chair of Short Sharp Digital Inc. ‘Supporting digital enterprise on the Coffs Coast’ and as Director of the Short Sharp Film Festival for 5 years.

Mark’s biggest achievement as a Producer is his first Feature Thirst, written and directed by Bellingen based writer-director Robert Carter. Thirst was released to cinemas in 2012 and has since screened on Virgin Airways, SBS TV and is available on DVD, iTunes and Kino Nation internationally. Since Thirst Mark has been collaborating with two award winning writers and building his slate – two episodic (6-8) TV / VOD series and two original feature films.

Advancing the career paths of regionally-based screen producers

Each year, the Regional Producer Elevator Program provides bespoke professional development opportunities to two emerging producers living in Northern NSW.

The program is designed to increase the producers’ skills and industry experience by supporting a tailor-made professional development plan for each participating producer, providing an opportunity for face-to-face meetings with key industry stakeholders in metropolitan centres, and offering attendance to the 2016 SCREEN FOREVER Conference where they will be able to participate in selected emerging producer sessions that will take place at the conference.

The program is open to producers of all genres, including (but not limited to) TV drama producers, documentary producers and children’s television producers. This program would best suit early-career producers who are genuinely committed to building their skills as a professional producer in regional NSW and need the support and opportunities to further their career. Through this program, participants will enhance their producing skills in order to contribute to the growth of the screen industry in Northern NSW.


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Two producers will undertake the following program:


As part of the application process, applicants are required to submit a draft career development plan where proposed activities are to the value of $3,500 (excluding GST). Professional development plans may be made up of any combination of the following (or other opportunities):

  • Conference/event/market attendance (international and/or national) – (not including SCREEN FOREVER attendance refer to below)
  • Professional development training, courses or other opportunities
  • Mentorships with recognised production companies, distributors or other organisations
  • Development of early concept project materials (or slate of projects) that may include pitch documents, teasers (where relevant) or treatments (or ‘scriptments’)

Click here to view a sample career plan.


Up to 1 week (4 nights) trip to Sydney or Melbourne to have face-to-face meetings with Fulcrum Media Finance, Screen NSW & Screen Australia, in addition to any other identified stakeholders that would provide benefit to the career development of the selected participants (flights, accommodation, per diems and transfers covered).


The two successful participants will attend SCREEN FOREVER 2016 and will be able to participate in selected emerging producer sessions at the conference. This component includes conference tickets, flights, accommodations (up to 4 nights), per diems and ground transfers included.


Successful participants will be required to deliver a written report to Screenworks on their involvement in the Regional Producer Elevator Program and to present to the local group of members about the outcomes from their involvement in the program (at the completion of the program).


Screenworks will conduct an online application process and will establish a panel of industry professionals to help select the two emerging producers to take part in the project.


To be eligible for Screenworks Regional Producer Elevator Program you must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Be a screen industry producer that has achieved Initial Success* in the industry. (* refer to definition below)
  • Demonstrate that you have been living in Northern NSW* for a minimum period of 12 months prior to submitting your application. (* refer to definitions below)
  • Must be able to demonstrate a commitment to a career as a producer in the industry with significant relevant production office experience (eg. producer, production manager, production co-ordinator or script coordinator).
  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be a current Screenworks Member.
  • Complete all sections of the application form and submit the application prior to Midday, Tuesday 4 October 2016.

1. A  draft career development plan that includes:

  • a professional development statement that outlines your achievements as a producer, as well as your creative and career goals for one year, three years and five years; and
  • an outline of the barriers to achieving your career goals and potential ways of overcoming the barriers for example, you may wish to consider potential mentors or attendance at conferences/markets to help overcome the difficulty of access to highly experienced professionals and making industry connections.
  • The draft career development plan should identify proposed activities up to the value of $3,500 (excluding GST).
  • Click here to view a sample of a draft career development plan.

2. A sample of your work:

Please provide a link to an online video of your work

3. Details on your current project (including title, short synopsis, format etc)

4. An up to date resume/CV

5. A letter of support from a screen industry professional who has known you for more than 12 months and/or is familiar with your work.


The following selection criteria will be considered when assessing applicants for participation in Screenworks Regional Producer Elevator Program (all criteria areas are equally weighted):

  1. The potential effectiveness of the professional development plan to help the applicant build relevant industry skills, overcome identified career barriers to living and working regionally with defined outcomes that help achieve future creative and career goals.
  2. The skills, achievements, experience and track record of the applicant(s) and the quality of their previous work. Applicants must clearly demonstrate how they meet the “Initial Success” eligibility criteria.
  3. The potential of the applicant to contribute to and enhance the growth of screen production in regional Northern NSW demonstrated by the quality of current projects, previous works and letters of support provided.

Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse people and people living in remote areas of Australia are strongly encouraged.

Screenworks is strongly committed to ensuring equal access to this project – if you require assistance with your application, please contact Screenworks on:
Telephone: (02) 6687 1599.



All applications will receive an initial eligibility and quality assessment by Screenworks staff. Shortlisted applications will be sent to an assessment panel comprised of highly qualified and experienced screen industry professionals.

The assessment panel will consider how well the eligible applicants meet the selection criteria (listed above).

Applicants will be notified by mid-October 2016 in writing of the outcome of their applications.

Application Deadlines:

Applications to Screenworks’ Regional Producer Elevator Program close midday, Tuesday 4 October 2016 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time).

Applications must be submitted using the online application form available via Screenworks website. No late entries will be accepted, no extensions will be granted. Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.

Screenworks will advise all applicants in writing of application success or otherwise. No specific feedback will be given on individual applications.


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Initial Success” – To demonstrate Initial Success, applicants are asked to identify one of the following:

  • a producer/production credit for a dramatic or factual film or screen work that has achieved broadcast, theatrical release or been commissioned or acquired by a major online content provider; or
  • a producer/production credit for a dramatic or factual film or screen work that has been included in a curated festival, with preference given to the festivals profiled on the Screen Australia website ( or on the 88th (2016) Academy Awards Short Films Qualifying Festivals List (
  • a producer/production credit for a dramatic or factual film or screen work that has attracted an online audience of 1 million or more views.

A producer may also be considered eligible if they have had recent success in projects currently in development that may meet one of the above criteria.

Northern NSW” – refers to the following regions that are shown coloured in the below map: Northern Rivers, Mid-North Coast, Northern Inland, Orana and Far West. (click on image below to view larger in new window)


If you have any questions about Screenworks Regional Producer Elevator Program or require information about the application process and/or form, please contact:

Ken Crouch (Screenworks General Manager)

Email: [email protected] | Phone: (02) 6687 1599


This program is designed to build the skills and capacity of two local emerging producers. By supporting career professional development, facilitating screen industry connections and providing support, the participating emerging producers will increase their skills and capacity so that they are more competitive when applying for funding, placements and professional positions on larger productions, all to the benefit of the Screen Industry in regional NSW.

Screenworks’ research has identified a strong demand for these types of professional opportunities in Northern NSW. In particular, we want to help emerging producers that are struggling to meet eligibility criteria of highly competitive funding and professional placement programs offered by organisations and other industry agencies. To help achieve this, we have secured funding from Screen NSW and the support from Screen Producers Australia to deliver this annual program especially designed to elevate the careers of talented emerging producers in regional NSW.


Screenworks’ Regional Producer Elevator Program is supported by

 Screen NSW and Screen Producers Australia

Screen NSW Logo          SPA-primary-fill

 Screen NSW

Screen NSW LogoScreen NSW is the statutory authority established to assist, promote and strengthen the screen industry in NSW so as to promote Australia’s cultural identity, encourage employment in all aspects of screen production, encourage investment in the industry, enhance the industry’s export potential, encourage innovation and enhance quality in the industry.

SPA-primary-fillScreen Producers Australia

Screen Producers Australia is a national member based organisation that unites screen businesses to campaign for a healthy commercial environment and supports the interests of businesses large and small in their production of feature films, television programs, interactive content, and games across all genres and formats.

Screen Producers Australia presents SCREEN FOREVER – the premier conference for the Australian screen production industry. Over three action-packed days, be part of one of the largest congregations of screen industry professionals in the Southern Hemisphere. SCREEN FOREVER 2016 will take place in Melbourne from 15th to 17th November 2016.

Support our programs. Support Screenworks. Donate today.

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Published On: June 22nd, 2017 / Categories: Event Archives /

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