PROJECT UPDATE: 31st January 2019

Today we announce the filmmaking teams  that have been selected to be part of Go Viral! It was an extremely competitive process and the selection panel had a large number of submissions to assess before reaching their decisions on the final five.  Scroll down to find out more about these filmmaking teams,  each will recieve $4000 to produce their micro-film.

The full media release can be accessed via this link.


Vonne Patiag & Sheila Ngoc Pham, Sydney:

Vonne Patiag is a Writer, Director and Producer based in Western Sydney. He is interested in producing personal stories that explore queer/ethnic intersections and that dissect issues of racism and geographical prejudice. Working across stage and screen, hhas presented work at Carriageworks, Riverside Theatre, Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre and his latest short film Tomgirl can currently be viewed on SBS onDemand. //

Sheila Ngoc Pham is a writer, radio producer and researcher. Her writing has been widely published, as well as staged at Carriageworks, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and Sydney Festival. She has held digital and editorial roles with the ABC, and is currently co-producing a five-part radio documentary series for ABC Radio National on multilingualism in Australia. //

Chris Davis, Lennox Head, NSW:

Chris is one of Australia’s up-and-coming comedic filmmakers (Australia just doesn’t seem to be aware of that yet). A personally-acclaimed director, writer, and actor, Chris knows his way around all aspects of film production, (even without the use of a map). After graduating with a BFA in Film and TV production in 2016, Chris has worked on many projects in many different capacities. His short film ‘How to become a Dictator’ was awarded “Runner up” at the London World Wide Comedy Short Film Festival in spring, 2018.

Nicole Delprado & Joanna Beveridge, Sydney: 

Nicole Delprado (right) & Joanna Beveridge (left) write, produce and direct content with well-developed female characters always at the forefront. Most recently they have been selected to create the short film Magnetic as recipients of the Create NSW Screenability Filmmakers Fund, in conjunction with Executive Producer Kali Reid at Matchbox Pictures. In September 2018, they were awarded winners of the Filmaka Web Series Competition for their pilot Sydney Sleuthers and have been granted funds to create the remaining nine episodes and in October 2018, their pilot script Realbots was longlisted for the Australian Writers’ Guild John Hinde Award //


Matty Hannon & Gary Parker, Northern Rivers NSW:

Matty Hannon is a director/producer based in the Northern Rivers Region of NSW.  His work explores the last stands of wilderness and aims to interpret humanity’s trophic existence in the modern age.  He is currently directing and producing his debut feature documentary and TV series, The Road to Patagonia, due for release in 2019. //

Australian born, world native at heart, Gary Parker is a visual storyteller and designer with a penchant for new experiences in places near and far and a thirst for the unknown. His work is an ongoing pursuit to capture the magic that is life.  He currently resides in the Northern Rivers region on the east coast of Australia. When Gary’s not creating, you’re more than likely to find him in the ocean or in the garden.

David Lowe & Eve Jeffery, The Channon, NSW: 

Both with backgrounds in drama, and now based in the Northern Rivers of NSW, David Lowe and Eve Jeffery began working together in 2014. As Cloudcatcher Media, they have created award-winning films including the short animation Citizen to Activist, documentary Faith and numerous films fighting invasive gasfields and coal mining around the country. They recently launched the multimedia spectacular Confusing Them With Our Joy, and have a slate of documentary and drama projects in development. They are passionate about merging art and activism to create artivism, and believe everyone can make a difference – especially with camera in hand. // Cloudcatcher Media


GO VIRAL! is a new Screenworks initiative delivered in partnership with and funded by Create NSW. It is open to short microfilm proposals of a 5 min maximum duration with a focus on current social issues.

Create NSW and Screenworks will fund up to 5 online creators/teams who are based in Regional NSW or Sydney and Western Sydney.  
Three of the opportunities will be provided to Regional NSW content creators and two to Sydney/Western Sydney content creators.
On approval, the successful applicants will receive $4,000 in production funding to realise their ambition.
Production Company Co-Curious has been appointed by Create NSW and Screenworks as the Executive Producer who will brief and liaise with the successful teams living in Sydney and Western Sydney. Screenworks will support selected creators/teams living in regional NSW.

What project formats are eligible?

We are seeking proposals for films that are under 5 minutes long and draw attention to a current social issue close to your heart. The ideal projects will be sharp, specific and uniquely told through any medium just needs to land squarely on a screen.

We want to help you disrupt the online space by inspiring you to produce truly motivating content that connects effectively with its target audiences.

Tell your story creatively through any genre, use animation, drama, documentary, comedy, music, satire or anything you like.  If you can convince us that your micro-film will inspire action in your target audience, then we will help you to GO VIRAL!

Projects must be:

  • Maximum 5-minute duration
  • Produced and post-produced entirely in NSW
  • Maximum Australian Classification MA 15+
  • Fully developed and ready to shoot on/or close to the end of January 2019

An individual can submit or be attached to multiple applications; however we’d advise you to put your most competitive projects forward.

Please read these guidelines alongside the Create NSW Terms of Trade which outline general eligibility requirements.

Who is eligible?

  • Content creators who have made micro-budget content for online/digital platforms and already have a loyal online audience are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Applicants need to be aged 18 and over.
  • All applicants need to include a NSW-based key creative, individual or company or have at least one NSW-based key creative (writer, producer or director) attached. Meaning that they must be based in and working from NSW, and ordinarily have lived in NSW for at least six months immediately prior to the date of the application.
  • Applicants may not be a fulltime employee of a broadcaster or enrolled in fulltime tertiary study. Applications from part-time broadcast employees and students will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • Applicants can be individuals or teams. Teams are required to include at least one female key creative.
  • You can submit or be attached to multiple applications; but we do advise you to put your most competitive projects forward.
  • You must hold the rights in your project.
  • You must be available to produce your micro-film to these key deadlines (subject to change)
    • w/c 26 Nov 2018 – Shooting script delivery.
    • w/c 21 Jan 2019  – Micro-shoot period (3 – 5 days max)
    • w/c 11 Feb 2019  – Rough cut delivery
    • w/c 11 Mar 2019  – Fine cut delivery
    • w/c 01 Apr 2019  – Final Delivery

An important note on diversity:

Create NSW and Screenworks are committed to supporting increased participation in the screen industry of people from under-represented groups including women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from CaLD backgrounds, people with disability, LGBTQI people, people from western Sydney and people from regional NSW. Priority will be given to teams including people from under-represented groups. Please consider inclusiveness, accessibility and diversity when forming your filmmaking teams.

When can I apply?

Applications will open on Friday 31st August and the closing date for submission is midnight on Sunday 14 October 2018. 

  • Complete this online application form
  • Upload the following support material to this dropbox link
    • A 1-2min video pitch to camera describing your idea: Why is it important? How will you execute it? How and where will you find your audience(s)?
    • Draft script and/or storyboards (preferably both)
    • Your current CV: please include any credits relevant to creating online content.

If you’re a content creator with a truly brilliant idea who just needs a hand to prepare it for the application process, please contact Screenworks Project Coordinator, Louise Hodgson on 6681 1188 or [email protected]

What is the assessment process?

All applications will be assessed by a panel including representatives from Create NSW, Screenworks and Co-Curious against the following criteria:

  • The strength and distinctiveness of your concept.
  • The strength of the story and the quality of materials you submit.
  • The potential of your project to reach its target audience.
  • The track record of the key creative(s) and/or associated companies.
  • Your ability to deliver the microfilm on-time, within budget and to a high standard.
  • The potential of your project to contribute to a robust screen industry in NSW.
  • We may also take into consideration whether you have a number of concurrent outstanding projects in development or production that may impact on the quality.
  • Final decisions will be made by the end of October 2018.

The Funding:

  • If successful, you will be allocated funding of $4,000 (ex GST) to make your micro- film (maximum length of 5 minutes).
  • If selected, you will be required to submit a production budget template to demonstrate how you will spend the funding.
  • Budgets that exceed $4,000 will be accepted, however please indicate how you plan to make up the extra e.g.: through crowdfunding, corporate donation, in-kind.


What kind of subject matters can be submitted?

Any social issue at all. Think of the zeitgeist and what gets your creative juices flowing. If you believe it will smash through the online noise and cause change, then we want to hear about it.

What kind of experience is required?

None. However, creators who have proven experience in producing micro-budget content for online/digital platforms and/or already have a loyal online audience are strongly encouraged to apply.

What is a micro-film?

  1. Produced by content creators of all skill levels – ranging from a first-time to an experienced filmmaker.
  2. Uses traditional or non-traditional production techniques.
  3. Of a short duration in length (for this specific initiative, up to 5 minutes maximum)
  4. Of a low budget
  5. Having a short production period (approximately 3 to 5-day shoot period)
  6. Open to all genres and distributed via social media and online/digital platforms

The funding isn’t enough to produce my concept, what do I do?

You can consider crowdfunding or forging corporate alliances to increase your budget. Ensure that any brands or companies sit well with your subject matter.  Consider resourceful video production techniques, e.g.: filming on smart phones and using affordable editing/post-production software.

How do I know who my audience is?

Research, research, research! Try identifying key influencers for your topic and see who follows them, establish relationships with them and leverage any opportunities that come your way.

How do I find my broadest audience?

Applicants should think about using a number of social media channels to try to get their film to go viral. Find ways to connect with your audience directly through mailing lists and emails. Connect with the major online platforms that will be interested with your content. Build a website that works for the project e.g.: YouTube/Tumblr or a vlog. Look at paid social media promotion

Will I own the copyright of my GO VIRAL! Micro-film?

You will. However, you will be required to grant Create NSW, Screenworks, and Co-Curious a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use your micro-film for its own corporate or promotional purposes across all media for perpetuity.

Who should I talk to about my application?

If you’re a content creator with a truly brilliant idea who just needs a hand to prepare it for the application process, please contact Screenworks Project Coordinator, Louise Hodgson on 6681 1188 or [email protected]


  • Funding will be provided as a grant. If you are successful, Create NSW and Screenworks will enter into a written agreement specifying the terms of the funding and what you will need to deliver in order to receive payments.
  • You will need to finalise and execute the grant agreement within 6 weeks from the date of the approval, or as otherwise agreed in writing.
  • All projects selected for production will be subject to editorial guidelines and must comply with editorial feedback provided by Create NSW and Screenworks (or its representatives). For selected participants living in Sydney or Western Sydney, Screenworks has appointed Co-Curious as Executive Producer to provide this editorial feedback and/or to deliver specific aspects of this initiative.
  • The successful content creators will be required to grant the project partners an unlimited, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use the microfilm for its own corporate or promotional purposes including but not limited to use on websites, newsletters and/or annual reports for perpetuity.
  • The successful content creators will be required to credit Create NSW, Screenworks and Co Curious in their project.
  • Create NSW and Screenworks reserves the right to approve budgets prior to contracting.
  • Each selected content creator will be required to submit a shooting script to the project partners for approval before commencing pre-production and principal photography.
  • Each key deliverable stage e.g.: script, edit, fine cut will require the approval of the project partners before progressing to the next stage.
  • The project partners intend to promote this project through multiple channels including promotion via press releases and on social media channels. Each selected participant will be expected to support and co-operate with this to ensure that it is able to achieve the project promotion objectives set out above.
  • If you choose to submit your micro-film into domestic or international film festivals, any entry fees will be your responsibility.

Go Viral! is a Screenworks initiative delivered in partnership with and funded by Create NSW and supported by Co-Curious.

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Published On: September 21st, 2018 / Categories: Event Archives /

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