Do you need to raise vital funds for your documentary project?
Do you want to better understand the philanthropic landscape and how to secure strategic partners?

The CEO of Documentary Australia Foundation, Dr Mitzi Goldman will deliver a one day workshop on philanthropy, building partnerships and successful impact strategies for documentaries.

The Documentary Australia Foundation supports powerful documentaries by placing them at the heart of social impact campaign and surrounding them with discerning funders, not-for-profits, educators, policy-makers and communities.

Mitzi will take you through how to develop a case for support, how to find philanthropic funders and build relationships.

You will also receive a Handbook containing information to support your fundraising journey.

This is a great opportunity to tap into a wealth of experience and industry knowledge. 


The workshop is designed to provide strategies for developing a successful fundraising and impact campaign for documentary projects and will include:

      • Providing a clearer understanding and definition of strategy development and campaign design;
      • Insight into fundraising approaches;
      • Effective methods for developing long-lasting partner relationships;
      • Demystifying the numerous distribution and marketing platforms that are available;
      • Providing tools for developing meaningful and effective impact assessment;
      • Giving filmmakers and impact producers an idea of major players in the space


”This was an inspiring and informative workshop that gave me a clearer understanding of seeking potential funding.”

“Thank you for nurturing our futures in film making!”

“Mitzi was extremely encouraging and generous with her wisdom.”

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Published On: April 24th, 2019 / Categories: Event Archives /

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