Michael Weatherhead from Meet the Filmmakers reports back after attending AIDC (Australian International Documentary Conference) in Melbourne.

The Changing Landscape for Documentary – AIDC/Doc Week

There were some very interesting things happening at AIDC/Doc Week in Melbourne in early March. This was reflected in the buyers who attended and what they wanted. There was a lot of talk about noisy content (high impact) and sticky series (bringing viewers back).

Of course there were the usual suspects (BBC, PBS, Discovery, Foxtel, Nat Geo, SBS, ABC, Prime/Sky NZ, WGBH Boston, World Channel, Seven, Maori TV, NZ on Air and lots of distributors and funding organisations). Most of them want series but BBC Scotland prefers one-off documentaries.

And there were some exciting new players like:

Good luck to all the documentary makers in Northern Rivers and beyond.

Michael Weatherhead
[email protected]

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Published On: March 16th, 2016 / Categories: Member Articles /

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