This page relates to the Createability Project in 2016, for all things
Createability 2017CLICK HERE

The key objective of CREATEABILITY 2016 is to provide funded opportunities for professional filmmakers to profile artists with disability living and creating in Regional NSW.

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We are incredibly proud to announce that 9 of the Createability films (selected from both 2015 and 2016) have been made available to view online this week via ABC iview. The release of this collection of short films coincides with International Day of People With Disability which will be observed on Saturday 3rd December 2016. Put the kettle on and your feet up and view the collection here

The nine films comprising the Createability collection streaming on ABC iview are:

The remaining three Createability films that have been produced for Createability 2016 year are currently screening on the international film festival circuit and will be released publicly in 2017.

Screenworks’ General Manager, Ken Crouch is thrilled to see the Createability collection being hosted on the ABC iview homepage: “I’m so proud that the Createability collection has now been released nationally, so that all Australians can experience these original and inspiring stories from regional NSW” said Mr Crouch. “We’re so pleased that the artists’ voices are getting heard and for the filmmakers who have worked hard for their coveted ABC credit. We hope it will take them far in their careers.



On Monday September 26th, Northern Rivers Screenworks presented an invitation-only cast and crew screening of Createability 2016.  The delightful Brunswick Picture House played host to an audience of 100 people as all 9 films were shown on the big screen for the first time.

Each of the 3-minute short documentary films produced for the Createability project profile the work and life of an artist with disability living and creating in regional NSW. It was wonderful for the filmmakers to have the opportunity to introduce their films prior to screening, often with the artist-subject by their side.

The evening was one of celebration and appreciation and all 9 films were incredibly well received by the audience. Each filmmaker was and should be rightly proud of the effort they put in to make the Createability 2016 a resounding success! Watch this space for more information about each films release and please have a scroll through the photo album of the night.


Closed Captioning and Audio Description Workshop for Filmmakers

Screenworks delivered a free Closed Captioning and Audio Description Workshop in Byron Bay on Thursday 18th August 2016 . We were very lucky to have Ballina-based captioning expert Michael Lockrey and Sydney-based Audio Description Manager Alison Myers passing on their specialist knowledge to a group of 12 filmmakers. The entire event was ably intepreted by Auslan interpreters Hilary McPhearon and Nicole McGowan.

The attendees were introduced to the simplicity and significance of Closed Captions and Audio Description in screen media; how it increases the opportunities and audience for their projects and helps address delivery requirements for some broadcasters and exhibitors. Both presentations included practical group exercises which proved a popular approach with the filmmakers who all seemed to gain a greater understanding of the subject matter and passed on positive feedback;

“The presenters are experts in their fields and gave very useful information in an entertaining and informative manner, they were very patient answering questions and the practical exercise at the end was really helpful”

“I will definitely employ AD and CC in all my future projects.”

” … I think everyone should do it, it’s a soft form of discrimination not to, the more accessible the better!”

Michael Lockrey is a passionate advocate for correct captioning across all media. For six years he was Chairman of the Australian Communication Exchange, a not-for-profit organisation providing phone access to the deaf and hearing impaired. As a profoundly deaf man, Michael has developed an app “no more craptions” to easily transform Google’s auto-captions into correct closed captions. Michael has won a national award for his advocacy work with captioning.

Sydney-based Alison Myers is the Audio Description Manager at The SubStation. After many years as a captioner, Alison branched out into audio description in 2008 and has been a passionate advocate ever since, seeking to expand its use, audience and accessibility in Australia. Whether providing Audio Description for cinema, DVD, internet or exhibitions, she is committed to ensuring her team delivers the best in the industry.

The event was filmed, then hosted on Screenworks On Demand youtube channel, where it was captioned and made publicly available across Australia. This was of particular benefit for Createability 2016 filmmakers who could not attend the free Byron-based workshop as they lived out of region.


AND…ACTION! Shooting is well underway for all nine of our Createability filmmaking teams, some have wrapped and begun editing. Read on for a taster of how things have been progressing for them:

IMG_3073louSusie Forster has shot and interviewed featured artist, Zion Stewart in his beautiful studio space in Mullumbimby, NSW North Coast. He is pictured here, with DOP Annie Benzie and SAE work experience team, Sam McPherson & Anita Jirdan.  Zion’s family and friends haven’t escaped the camera’s gaze during the process either. Susie says “I’m working on the rough cut and lamenting how short 3 minutes is! I feel honoured and lucky to have the chance to make a funded film and one that has the potential to really showcase an artist of Zion’s talents”

IMG_4499Jason King recently travelled to Feona Bates’ cultural home of Mutawintji National Park to film.  He has already completed filming of the mural that Feona has painted for her Broken Hill community as part of the film (pictured her).He says “It was great to hang out with Feona and her community during the painting. I’m grateful to Feona for sharing her story and I’m looking forward to sharing it with others through this project”


KHolmes_HWCollective_JeremyHawkes_16HW Collective from Bangalow, NSW North Coast completed their shoot last month. Profiled visual artist, Jeremy Hawkes was filmed in a perfectly white space, creating his monochrome masterpiece on perspex. He says “Working in collaboration with these film-makers allows me to ‘perform’ disability within a cultural context, so that the particular aesthetics of that impairment become essential to the work being created. So many artists with disability experience isolation, both socially and artistically, and the Createability project enables greater inclusion across all areas of life”

JK08Dubbo based Singer-Songwriter, Justine Kuhner, pictured here, has been honing her musical talents during her shoot with  filmmaker Kellie Jennar.  Her debut performance of a piece written specifically for Createability will feature in the final film. Kellie is feeling positive about the process Our shoot is going really well. The team are super professional and Justine is having a great time”


Ramona CavanaghDeb Novak has completed the shooting of her artist interview with Ramona Cavanagh. She continues to forge ahead this coming week, despite setbacks due to the recent storms in Yamba, NSW North Coast. Next on her list is to shoot the dreaming and drone sequences of her film. Here’s Ramona on location, behind the scenes, having a tea break.



Corey_Isabel_BTSIsabel Darling had the weather gods on her side for her shoot with visual artist, Corey Stewart in the state’s South East. “We had such an amazing day filming with artist Corey Stewart for the Createability shoot. Narooma turned on the sunshine and Corey was an absolute dream to work with, looking forward to shooting more with him next week”




Karenza Ebejer of Lismore has wrapped shooting with 14 year old musician Tilly Jones (pictured here in rehearsals) She has captured interviews and intimate performances at Tilly’s home and the final day’s shooting took place at The Lismore Worker’s Club where Tilly was playing as part of The Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra. Tilly has got a lot out of the project so far, “Music for film is something I’m very interested in and being part of this film helps me understand the process”

Pearl Red Moon 5

Nicky Elliott wrapped up her Createability shooting last week with textile artist, Pearl Red Moon (pictured her at work in her studio) after two rainy days in Murrurundi, Upper Hunter. Throughout shooting Pearl impressed the crew with her determination and with how well they were looked after, she even cooked them a hot dinner! Pearl says of her art “My art practice is the externalisation of the deeply contemplative internal world that is so much more real to me than the one of chatter and constant activity”

DSC08398Byron Bay filmmakers Nathan Wood and Clementine Bourke have shot their interview footage with artist Verity Nunan (photographed here in her studio) surrounded by an impressive array of her paintings. They were looking forward to shooting the stylistic elements of their film, informed by the content of the interview footage last weekend.





A total of nine regional NSW artists with disability will star in short films as part of Createability 2016 – a project for professional filmmakers to profile artists with disability living and creating in regional NSW.

Createability 2016 is a Screenworks initiative being delivered across regional NSW in partnership with ABC Open and the NSW Government.

In the Northern Rivers region, the following artists will be profiled:

Ramona-ABC - 4Ramona Cavangah (member of the Minungbal Clan which lies within the Yugembeh Nation)

Ramona is a mixed media visual story teller who has lived on and off in Yamba for over 30 years and recently moved to Grafton. She has been using art to tell her story since she was 6 years old. She has been a professional artist since 2000, when she represented the Saltwater People at the Sydney Olympics.

From here, she started working for ‘Flying Arts’ who would send her out to remote areas to teach how to story tell visually using murals, mosaics and of course her art.

Knowing her culture and what she could and couldn’t do and what was permitted to do by lore helped her to translate everyone’s stories so they could have it on their walls. This was achieved by putting their story into the picture or using colours that would suit the decor of the everyday person.

Filmmaker Deb Novak from Yamba will be profiling Ramona for Createability.

Tilly biopicNatile Jones (Lismore)

Tilly is 14 years old and as a baby, her parents discovered that classical music and opera helped to soothe her. At age 4, her grandmother suggested she start music lessons and was given a piano by her godparents. She learnt to play piano, cello, violin, clarinet and guitar.

Tilly also loves to compose, writing her first piece of music at age 8. She has now written numerous compositions for each of her instruments as well as two string ensemble pieces.She plays in a number of bands including a World Music Ensemble, Chamber Strings, Northern Rivers Jazz Orchestra and Northern Rivers Youth Orchestra.Her performances and compositions have won her many awards.

Filmmaker Karenza Ebejer from Lismore will be profiling Tilly for Createability.

Verity Nunan (Federal):

Verity is a visual artist and abstract painter, she is 23 years old and hails from Melbourne.

She has been practicing art since she could hold a crayon and believes that art is the purest form of human expression. Her art is an extension of who she is, the disease she has and how she challenges that disease.

Her art is spontaneous paintings of figures derived from immediate expression. Though her work can be seen as quite dark, it is the strength and power of character that she strives to portray and sometimes this can be challenging for the viewer.

“If I were in Star Wars I would be Luke Skywalker, negotiating the force but ultimately choosing light”

Filmmakers Nathan Wood and Clementine Bourke will be profiling Verity for Createability.

Jeremy Hawkes BWJeremy Hawkes (Lismore):

Jeremy Hawkes is a visual artist across mixed media. He has been a practicing artist, arts worker and writer for over 25 years, with extensive experience exhibiting in Australia and overseas.

His work has had tremendous commercial success and he is represented in many private collections, as well as receiving regular commissions. Since 2008, Hawkes has identified as an artist who experiences disability, and in the past few years this has strongly influenced his theoretical and aesthetic interests. He is currently employed as an arts facilitator for a disability arts organisation as well as a grants writer.

He is currently engaged in a number of funded projects, both as a facilitator and as an arts practicioner in his own right. Hawkes’ current work is an exploration through a variety of media (drawing, digital, performative) of the intersections between disability (pathology), identity and theories around evolutionary development – in particular, neural difference and the self as body.

Filmmakers Poppy Walker and Sophie Hexter of HW Collective will be profiling Jeremy for Createability.

Zion LevyZion Levy Stewart (Mullumbimby). Visual artist and ceramicist

Zion is a visual artist and ceramicist. He has been drawing, painting and making ceramics for the past fifteen years.  His love of life, people and keen interest in the natural beauty of his home in the Northern Rivers of NSW give Zion the inspiration to create his unique, quirky ceramics and paintings in watercolour and acrylic.

He has a special talent for portraits which capture the true essence of his subjects. Loving encouragement from family, friends and care workers has helped develop his unique style- art with heart.

He has exhibited in a number of local and interstate galleries, including solo exhibitions. Over the past few years he has been commissioned for portraits and his work is in private art collections in the USA and UK as well as here in Australia. Collaborating with other artists, Zion regularly exhibits at an art studio established in Byron Bay by REDInc. (Realise Every Dream Inc.), his visionary Lismore based care and support providers, to encourage creative potential and development.

Zion enjoys his passion for painting, drawing and also working with clay, and says “I am an artist.  I like drawing people and painting. I live in a place called Paradise, which is heaven.”

Filmmaker Susie Forster will be profiling Zion for Createability.

Across regional NSW, the following artists with be profiled in the following regions:

Feona_bates__22016Far West Region: Feona Bates (member of the Kurnu Barkindji people)

Barkantji woman, Feona is a mural painter, living in Broken Hill and has been practicing art for the last 15 years. Over this time her work has been exhibited in numerous group and solo exhibitions, published in printed publications.  In addition, Feona has created a series of Murals in her home community in Broken Hill’s Credon St. With the help of her community she is now planning a new mural to help inspire her local community.

Filmmaker Jason King will be profiling Feona for Createability.

Pearl Red Moon USE THIS ONEHunter region: Pearl Red Moon

Pearl is an established textiles, digital and mixed media artist with her own gallery in Murrurundi, in the Upper Hunter region of NSW.  Diagnosed with Autism in her 40s, Pearl notices details in the world in a different way, seeing her environment as a series of shapes and geometric patterns, and noticing the details that others overlook. This is a big influence in Pearl’s work.

She is a multi-media decorative artist, working with textiles, fibres, beads and stitch. She makes wearable art, crazy, vibrant dolls, adornments, handbags, and two dimensional art. Pearl creates via knitting, hand and machine embroidery, crocheting, stencilling, applique and beadwork. The artist is also a certified pattern maker, creating PDF patterns for customers to be able to stitch their own clothes.

Filmmaker Nicky Elliott will be profiling Pearl Red Moon for Createability.

Justine PhotoOrana Region: Justine Kuhner

Justine is a singer, songwriter and musician from Dubbo, NSW, who has a wide-ranging musical passion from country music through to musical theatre.

Justine formed a love of singing when she was a young girl and has received singing and musical lessons for the last 11 years. Justine’s earliest musical inspiration is Cher, which led her to perform Strong Enough in a school production when she was only 12.

Filmmaker Kellie Jennar will be profiling Justine for Createability.

Corey_Stewart_1_v2South East NSW: Corey Stewart (Yuin/Bundjalung man)

Corey Stewart is a 32 year old painter, sculptor and illustrator.

Corey is a Yuin/Bundjalung man, he now lives in Narooma, NSW, where his art draws inspiration from the coastal landscape. His family regularly feature in his works.

Filmmaker Isabel Darling will be profiling Corey for Createability.


Northern Rivers Screenworks General Manager, Ken Crouch is impressed with the breadth and variety of artists involved: “This years Createability initiative has unearthed a diverse collection of talented artists across the state. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how their creativity will be expressed on screen by the filmmakers”

Each Artist is now working closely with their Createability 2016 filmmaking team as they head into pre production, in some cases, filming has already commenced. All the films will be delivered to Screenworks by the end of August 2016.

ABC Open producers, who are based in ABC stations across regional Australia, will be the supervising producers for the Createability film produced in each of their regions.


Its been just a couple of weeks since we announced our 9 funding recipients for Createability 2016 and we’ve wasted no time in putting them to work.

As part of the pre-production process each filmmaker has had valuable one-on-one script clinics with their experienced local ABC Open Producer. During these state-wide sessions, the Createability filmmakers were able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their storyplans with an expert. They’ve all found it incredibly beneficial to bounce ideas off the ABC Open Producers and fine tune any stylistic elements prior to producing their all-important shooting scripts.

“I’m feeling very positive and inspired, and I can’t wait to get to work!”  Kellie Jennar, Orana Region Createability Filmmaker

Scroll down to see the filmmakers during their script clinics, you’ll be able put faces to names and also find out a little more about each team.

Please watch this space as we will announce all our featured artists over the next few weeks.


Debrah Novak, Yamba (Pictured here with ABC Open Supervising Producer, Catherine Marciniak)

Debrah Novak is a freelance media professional with over 25 years experience in regional media. She is an award winning regional press photographer, video producer, copywriter, creative, and public relations consultant. She believes in what she does and the integrity in which the job is carried out.


Karenza Ebejer, Lismore (Pictured here with ABC Open Supervising Producer, Catherine Marciniak)

Karenza Ebejer has a passion for digital storytelling with a keen interest in working in the community sector. Her education has included a BA at Melbourne University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Television at Queensland University of Technology. Her documentary work is often themed around inter-cultural relations and highlights community collaboration.


Nathan Wood, Byron Bay (Pictured here with filmmaking partner, Clementine Bourke and ABC Open Supervising Producer, Catherine Marciniak)

Cinematographer, Nathan Wood runs a Byron-based production company called Paredolia Visuals. He loves to challenge himself creatively and enjoys working within environments that encourage him to enhance his skills and further increase his passion for creating stunning motion pictures. He is a graduate of SAE Institute, Byron and is a recent recipient of a Young Regional Artists Scholarship.


Poppy Walker and Sophie Hexter, Bangalow (Pictured here with ABC Open Supervising Producer, Catherine Marciniak)

H.W. Collective is a film cooperative, launched in 2014 by Sophie Hexter and Poppy Walker. With over twenty years combined industry experience in Australia and abroad, H.W. Collective creates narrative, documentary and commercial films. They are storytellers, working collaboratively to produce innovative, compelling and visually arresting motion pictures.


Susie Forster, Ocean Shores (Pictured here with ABC Open Supervising Producer, Catherine Marciniak)

Originally trained as a fine artist, Susie Forster has combined her creativity with the digital world through film and multimedia. She has been producing, directing and editing short and long form documentaries, music and community videos, corporate promos and promotional clips for over a decade. Her love of story-telling has led her into the world of the short documentary, and her passions include community, living healthy and sustainable lifestyles and sharing knowledge with young people.


Far West Region: Jason King, Broken Hill (Pictured here with ABC Open Producer, Jenia Ratcliffe)

Self-styled ‘Story Architect’, Jason King got bitten by the filmmaking bug in 2010 after making his first narrative film for the NSW 48hr Film Project. Though well known for his regional tourism industry achievements (including reviving Broken Hill’s iconic Bells Milk Bar and being named the 2010 Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) Young Tourism Achiever), Jason is now making a name for himself as a digital publisher specializing in videos. He started Jason King Media in 2013.


image1Hunter region: Nicky Elliott, Soldiers Point (Pictured here with ABC Open Producer, Anthony Scully)

Nicky Elliott is a visual storyteller, with a passion for film and graphic design. She has more than 20 years experience as a camera operator, editor, production designer, graphic designer and photographer. She studied film and cinematography in Paris, at the highly regarded Ecole Internationale de Création Audiovisuelle et de Réalisation (EICAR).



Orana Region: Kellie Jennar, Dubbo (Pictured here with ABC Open Producer, Ana Tovey)

Kellie Jennar chose to pursue screenwriting and filmmaking as she believes in the power of film to inspire and challenge people. She studied screenwriting through AFTRS and the New York Film Academy (QLD campus) as well as taking a documentary making course through Metro Screen. In the last two years, she has written and produced 14 short films.


South East NSW: Isabel Darling, Denhams Beach (Pictured here with ABC Open Producer, Vanessa Milton)

Isabel Darling has been working in video production for the past 13 years. Prior to founding her current video production business, Torchlight Media, Isabel worked in production development at the 7 Network, as well as several video production companies across Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. Isabel has created numerous videos and TV Commercials for the private and public sectors with clients such as Smirnoff, Thredbo Resort, Foxtel & Eurobodalla Shire Council.


So, all the deliberating has been done and final decisions have been made. We are very proud to announce the nine regional NSW filmmakers that will receive funding as part of Createability 2016.

In the Northern Rivers region, the following filmmakers have been selected:

  • Debrah Novak (Yamba)
  • Karenza Ebejer (Lismore)
  • Nathan Wood (Byron Bay)
  • Poppy Walker and Sophie Hexter (Bangalow)
  • Susie Forster (Ocean Shores)

And our successful filmmakers selected for our four regions across NSW are:

  • Far West Region: Jason King (Broken Hill)
  • Hunter region: Nicky Elliott (Soldiers Point)
  • Orana Region: Kellie Jennar (Dubbo)
  • South East NSW: Isabel Darling (Denhams Beach)

Each filmmaker will receive a grant of $4,000 to make their three minute film.

All nine filmmakers were selected by an independent panel made up of representatives from the three Createability project partners – Screen NSW, Screenworks and ABC Regional Audience Strategy team.

Screenworks General Manager, Ken Crouch reported that the assessment panel had faced a difficult task choosing only nine filmmakers from all of the submission received – “the standard of the submissions received from across the state this year was incredibly high. So, it wasn’t surprising that it took longer than expected for the assessment panel to select the successful filmmakers. But with so many talented filmmakers involved in the Createability project, we’re really looking forward to seeing some very inspirational stories being told from regional NSW” said Mr Crouch.

Each of the nine filmmakers will now commence pre-production on their film, starting with a one-on-one script clinic with their local ABC Open producer. ABC Open producers, who are based in ABC stations across regional Australia, will be the supervising producers for the Createability film produced in each of their regions.

Once the one-on-one clinics with ABC Open have been completed, Screenworks will then be able to confirm and announce the artists who will be featured across regional NSW.

Filming is expected to take place in late May and June 2016, with all of the films being delivered to Screenworks in August 2016.

Project Update – 11th April 2016

ABC Open Producers have completed their masterclasses for all filmmakers who have registered for Createability 2016 across the projects five featured regional areas of NSW.

We have had great feedback from the ABC Open producers and the Regional Arts Development Officers from all regions about the success of each masterclass. Each ABC Open producer provided invaluable tips on how to make a a three minute film profiling an artist and relevant examples were presented and energetically debated.

Finally, all our filmmaker applicants were taken through the expression of interest process that they’ll need to complete to apply for funding in their respective regions. Now all they have to do is find their artist with disability and conceive an amazing story about them and their art, so good luck everyone!

All final storyplans are due on Monday 18th April and we are looking forward to reading what we know will be some great submissions.

(Photo montage: Hello Filmmakers of regional NSW! – clockwise from top left, West Darling ABC Masterclass, Orana ABC Masterclass, Northern Rivers ABC Masterclass, South East ABC Masterclass, Upper Hunter ABC Masterclass).

Masterclass Collage

Project Update – 22nd March 2016

Createability 2016 project registrations closed two weeks ago and we are now truly underway.

In conjunction with our project partners at the ABC, we’ve been connecting with arts administration and disability networks across regional Australia and have made some great new contacts in the process. Consequently, we’ve seen a strong response from filmmakers and artists with disability registering for the project across all five featured NSW regions (the Northern Rivers, South East, West Darling, Orana and the Upper Hunter).

The ABC Open producers from each region are primed and ready to run their Masterclasses for the filmmakers by the end of this month. We, in the Screenworks office, are excited to see what these masterclasses produce and we can’t wait to see the final submissions. The deadline is the 18th April.

Congratulation are due to all our filmmakers from Createability 2015:

Sebastian and Jonatan from Rest Your Eyes Productions, will see their Createability 2015 film, Lydian’s space, screen on ABC News 24 on Monday 28th March.

The Battle by Poppy Walker and Sophie Hexter of The H W Collective featuring Kayah Guenther and Gavin Webber has been selected for the Oberhausen Short Film Festival (Germany).

Andy Bambach’s film, Petas Puppets received an Honourable Mention (Documentary under 10 minutes) in the 2016 Picture This… International Film Festival.


Registrations for CREATEABILITY 2016 closed at 5pm on 10 March 2016.


Screenworks, in partnership with ABC Open and the NSW State Government, are proud to be announce CREATEABILITY 2016.

Due to the success of CREATEABILITY in 2015, Screenworks has been able to secure the funding and resources required to double the project outcomes for the Northern Rivers region, in addition to spreading the project to the far corners of Regional NSW in 2016, effectively tripling the size of the whole project in its second year.

IMG_2004In the first stage of CREATEABILITY 2016, Screenworks is asking for filmmakers and artists with disability in Regional NSW to register their interest in participating in the project. In March, the selection process will continue with all registered filmmakers being invited to attend a Pre Production Masterclass, which will be run by ABC Open in each of the project regions.

Filmmakers will then be required to submit a competitive storyline outline and a proposed budget for the short film that they would like to produce. An independent selection panel will select 5 short films to be produced in the Northern Rivers NSW Region, in addition to 4 short films to be produced in Regional NSW (1 each in: the Upper Hunter region, the Orana region, South East NSW region, and Far West / Broken Hill region).

For CREATEABILITY in 2015, 3 short films were produced in the Northern Rivers NSW. To view these films, please go to the Screenworks On Demand YouTube Channel.

Program Overview:

CREATEABILITY 2016 is a Screenworks project funded and supported by Screen NSW and the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.

IMG_2089In 2016, Screenworks is delivering the project in partnership with ABC Open, who will be offering advice, providing masterclasses and consulting with the filmmaking applicants to help deliver the best films possible. Screenworks will also work with the Regional Arts Development Officers in each of the regions who will provide support to the project.

Screenworks has funding available for filmmakers across regional NSW to produce a total 10 films in total, broken down as follows:

  • 5 x 3-minute films to be produced by filmmakers living and working in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, each profiling an artist with disability who resides and creates in the Northern Rivers region.
  • A total of 4 x 3-minute films to be produced by filmmakers local to four specific NSW regions (as listed below). Each film will profile an artist with disability who resides and creates in Regional NSW.

o   Upper Hunter: 1 x 3-minute film

o   Dubbo / Orana region: 1 x 3-minute film

o   Bega / South East NSW region: 1 x 3-minute film

o   Broken Hill / Far West region: 1 x 3-minute film

  • 1 x educational film to be produced by a filmmaker living and working in the Northern Rivers region. This will be a resource film for filmmakers wishing to use captioning and/or audio description in their screen projects. Screenworks will select, appoint and brief the production team independently of the CREATEABILITY 2016 Project Registration.

Additionally, Screenworks wants to hear from artists with disability in all five regions of NSW that have been selected for the project, who are interested in possibly being profiled in one of the 3-minute films that will be produced this year.

Filmmakers with disability:

Filmmakers with disability are strongly encouraged to apply for this program. All teams selected for this program will be strongly encouraged to connect with and to include emerging filmmakers with disability from their respective region as part of their teams.

Eligibility for Filmmakers:

CREATEABILITY 2016 is not an entry-level initiative for filmmakers. All filmmakers registering for the project must be able to meet the following eligibility criteria in order to complete the EOI process.

  1. Applications are only open to filmmakers living and working in the following areas of regional NSW:
    Northern Rivers (Ballina, Byron, Clarence Valley, Richmond Valley, Kyogle, Lismore, Tweed)
    Orana region (Dubbo, Gilgandra, Mid-Western Region, Narromine, Warrumbungle)
    South East region (Bega, Bombala, Cooma-Monaro, Eurobodalla, Snowy River)
    Upper Hunter region  (Upper Hunter Shire, Gloucester, Muswellbrook, Singleton, Dungog)
    West Darling / Far West region (Broken Hill, Central Darling, Wentworth).
  2. Each filmmaker must, at a minimum, have one professionally produced short-form credit (i.e. music videos, television commercials or corporate films commissioned and paid for by a third party).
  3. The filmmaker must be available and able to produce the documentary between 1 May 2016 and 31 August 2016.

Eligibility for Artists:

CREATEABILITY 2016 is open to all artists with disability. All artistic disciplines are relevant and will be considered.  All artists registering for the project must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered.

  1. Applications are only open to artists living and creating in one of the following areas of regional NSW:
    Northern Rivers (Ballina, Byron, Clarence Valley, Richmond Valley, Kyogle, Lismore, Tweed)
    Orana region (Dubbo, Gilgandra, Mid-Western Region, Narromine, Warrumbungle)
    South East region (Bega, Bombala, Cooma-Monaro, Eurobodalla, Snowy River)
    Upper Hunter region  (Upper Hunter Shire, Gloucester, Muswellbrook, Singleton, Dungog)
    West Darling / Far West region (Broken Hill, Central Darling, Wentworth).
  2. The artist must be available for meetings and film dates between 1 April 2016 and 30 June 2016 (exact dates TBC).

Project Registration Process for Filmmakers:

Each filmmaker must complete the CREATEABILITY 2016 Filmmakers Project Registration form, available online.  All relevant questions in the project registration form must be completed and all applications close for this stage at 5pm on March 10th 2016.

IMG_1842Following March 10th 2016, the selection process will continue and all registered filmmakers will be invited to attend a Pre Production Masterclass run by ABC Open in their region. Dates for the masterclasses are expected to happen in the last few weeks of March 2016, with exact dates to be confirmed nearer the time.

At the PreProduction Masterclasses, filmmakers will gain professional advice to assist them in producing a competitive storyline outline and proposed budget to the standard required by the independent assessment panel. Once submitted, these materials will be assessed and a final decision will be made regarding the successful applicants by Friday 29th April.

The short films will then be produced in consultation with Screenworks and ABC Open, with the final films due by late July / early August 2016.

Project Registration Process for Artists:

Screenworks is seeking highly creative artists with disability that live and create in one of the five NSW regions, those being: Northern Rivers, Upper Hunter, Orana Regiona, South East NSW and Far West / Broken Hill.  Each artist need to be available to be interviewed and filmed within the stipulated time period of 1st April – 30th June 2016 (exact dates subject to film production schedules).

Artists must complete the CREATEABILITY 2016 Artist Project Registration form, available online.  All relevant questions in the project registration form must be completed and applications close at 5pm on March 10th 2016.

An independent panel will assess the Artists Project Registrations. Applicants, successful or unsuccessful will be notified by Friday 29th April.

Funding availability:

IMG_0386Each successful filmmaker selected to produce a short film (by the assessment panel) will be allocated a budget of $4,000 excluding GST to produce a 3-minute short film. As part of the final Expression of Interest process, each filmmaker will need to demonstrate how the $4,000 budget will be spent.

When considering the budget, each filmmaker must include information about accessibility components that will be included in the short film (please note – captioning is mandatory for all CREATEABILITY 2016 films and audio description versions are strongly encouraged).

Screenworks will provide up to $200 per featured artist, per film to help cover any additional expenses that the artist may incur as a result of being a part of this project.

Terms of Funding:

Project funding is provided as a grant. If you are successful Screenworks will enter into a written agreement with you, specifying the terms of the funding and what you will need to deliver in order to receive payments. All projects selected for production may be subject to editorial guidelines.

The successful filmmaker teams will be required to grant Screenworks, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the NSW State Government agencies (such as Screen NSW) a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use and distribute the short film for its own corporate or promotional purposes including but not limited to use on websites, newsletters and/or annual reports.

Screenworks reserve the right to approve production budgets prior to contracting.

Project promotion:

Screenworks and the ABC Open project team intend to signficiantly promote this project through multiple channels:

–        Promotion to local regional media via press release information

–        Promotion on our social media channels.

–        Project pages on the Screenworks and ABC websites to detail the project.

Each filmmaker selected will be expected to support and co-operate with Screenworks and the ABC to ensure that it is able to achieve the project promotion objectives set out above.

Successful applications:

lydiansspaceAll applications from the Createability 2016 Filmmaker Project Registration will be invited to attend ABC Open Pre Production Masterclass events to enable them to progress to stage 2 of the Expression Of Interest (EOI) process.

Stage 2 of the EOI will require a storyline and budget submission. If your EOI is selected you will be required to work with the Screenworks and ABC Open project team to engage with the subject artist, develop the storyline and finalise a project budget and schedule. This may be through face-to-face meetings, telephone / Skype conversations and/or email correspondence.

Assessment criteria – Filmmakers:

The Screenworks and ABC Open project team will assess eligible applications against the following assessment criteria:

  1. Quality of the application material.
  2. Track record and previous experience of filmmaker.
  3. Ability of the filmmaker to deliver the film on-time, budget and to a high standard.
  4. Filmmakers interest in the project, interest in profiling a local artist with disability, and how filmmakers with disability can be included in the project.

Screenworks may also take into consideration whether the applicants have a number of concurrent outstanding projects in development or productions that may impact on the quality of the project outcomes.

Assessment criteria – Artists:

The Screenworks and ABC Open project team will assess all eligible applications to find the most engaging stories in each region, which also best fit the filmmaker and their style of filmmaking.

Submitting your application:

peta puppetsAll CREATEABILITY 2016 Project Registrations (for both Artists and Filmmakers) must be submitted by 5:00pm (AEDST), Thursday 10 March 2016.

An application receipt will be emailed to all applicants within 5 business days of submitting your application.  If you do not receive a receipt email, you should contact Screenworks on (02) 6687 1599 to confirm that your application has been received.

Applications must be submitted using the online application form.  Applications submitted by other methods will not be accepted.

If you experience any difficulty with the online application, please contact Screenworks General Manager, Ken Crouch on (02) 6687 1599.

Information on how to complete the final Filmmakers Expression of Interest will be provided at the ABC Pre Production Masterclass and will also be made available online.

NSWGOV 1-Col Waratah

CREATEABILITY 2016 is supported by the NSW Government through the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and Screen NSW


ABC Open_Standard Logo_RGBCREATEABILITY 2016 is being delivered in partnership with ABC Open.

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Published On: July 26th, 2016 / Categories: Event Archives /

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