Screenworks in partnership with The Star Court Theatre present

52T_PosterAUS_3000px_RGB52 TUESDAYS

Film plus Q & A with Producer / Editor Bryan Mason

6.30pm, Tue 6 May
Star Court Theatre
Molesworth Street

Northern Rivers Screenworks and Lismore’s Star Court Theatre have teamed up to provide the Northern Rivers with a unique opportunity to see a new Australian film that is attracting impressive critical acclaim, and to meet one of the filmmakers.

What began as an experiment in filmmaking is now the multi-award winning film, 52 Tuesdays. The new Australian film explores issues around youthful exploration and encroaching maturity, gender transition, the passing of time and authentic change. Screenworks in partnership with Star Court Theatre will be holding a premiere screening of 52 Tuesdays in Lismore on May 6. The film’s Co-Producer, Bryan Mason, will also be in attendance and will be taking part in a Q & A session following the film.

52 Tuesdays is about 16-year-old Billie’s reluctant path to independence when her mother reveals plans for gender transition and their time together becomes limited to Tuesday afternoons. Filmed over the course of a year – once a week, every week, only on Tuesdays – 52 Tuesdays explores a modern world in a moving and provocative way. The unique form of the film gives its story an extra layer of intimacy.

52 Tuesdays has been receiving rave reviews from critics around the world and has also won multiple awards at some of the world’s most prestigious festivals including Best Director at Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival and a Crystal Bear in the Generations 14+ at the Berlin Film Festival.

Bryan Mason, the film’s Co-Producer, Editor and Cinematographer, is also co-founder of Closer Productions, an Adelaide-based collective of award winning filmmakers creating innovative and provocative films such as the critically acclaimed documentaries, Shut Up Little Man and Life In Movement. Bryan will be at the Screenworks and Star Court Theatre screening of 52 Tuesdays to speak about the innovative making of the film and answer questions from the audience.

“We are delighted to be able to present this ground-breaking film to a Northern Rivers audience” explained Screenworks’ new General Manager, Ken Crouch. “More importantly, we are excited to be bringing Bryan Mason to the Northern Rivers to speak about the fascinating aspect of the film’s story and its unique form. It will be an event not to be missed.”

Screenworks and Star Court Theatre’s premiere screening of 52 Tuesdays with guest speaker, Bryan Mason, will take place at 6.30pm on May 6 at Lismore’s Star Court Theatre. Tickets are limited for this one off event and available now from the cinema or on line at

This premiere screening event is supported by Screen Audience Development funding from Screen NSW.

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Published On: April 13th, 2014 / Categories: Event Archives /

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